The boy in the rain (pt 2)

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Lance's POV

We kissed It wasn't like a small peck it was a good long kiss not like a 'let's make out kiss' but it was special. We brake from the kiss "I think I know the answer to your question." I say smiling "the question about you joining me?" He asks I nod smiling like a kid on Christmas morning "ok so what's your answer?!" Lotor asks excitedly "my answer is...yes!" I exclaim.
At the castle
Keith's POV

"NO WAY!!" I scream tears streaming down my face as I run to the screen and slam my hands down "IM GONNA KILL HIM!!!" I yell "hey don't brake anything!" Pidge says I give her a stern look that makes her step back.
Lancey Lance
"R-really?! You'll join me?" Lotor asks excitement lacing his voice "yes I'll join you!" I say he jumps up and hugs me. After a few minutes later we hear a knock at the door "I'll get it." Lotor says and he walks over to the door. "Ezor did you need something?" Lotor asks "well I heard girlish screams I wanted to make sure you were ok." She simply states then she sees me "oh d-did i interrupt something?" She asks with a devilish grin "no ezor you didn't interrupt anything." I say walking over to the door she starts giggling "ezor why are you like this?" Lotor asks "your like a child!" He exclaims I laugh "am not!" She pouts "oh my gosh your both like children!" I laugh "IM GONNA DIE OF LAUGHTER!" I yell laughing hysterically at the way their faces looked when I said they were both like children "lance calm down!" Lotor yells over my laughter "LANCE!" They yell in unison "what!?" I ask though laughs "lance you need to calm down ok chill-" Lotor starts "IN OTHER WORDS SHUT UP!" Ezor yells "Ezor why are you yelling at meee!?!?" I pout "lance stop being cute." Lotor says I blush "well I'm sure Ezor he's something to do." I say pushing her away "ya your right ezor go do something!" Lotor smiles "ok bye!" She says "USE PROTECTION!" She yells running down the hall. "She's so in mature!" Lotor laughs "come on." I say shutting the door and pulling lotors hand to the bed "let's cuddle!" I yell like a little kid  "ok fine." Lotor replies blushing (time skip btw at this point Keith is dead inside 😂) we've been cuddling for a while in complete silence but lotor decides to break the silence "Hey lance? What's earth like?" He asks quietly "well earth is beautiful, all the beaches and the rain. I used to go outside and just sit in the rain." I say as lotor wipes my face "was I sub consciously crying?" I think to my self I reach up to my face and sure enough my face was wet "damn." I whisper to myself.







Word count 497

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