Drowning in thoughts.

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Lotors POV

I don't know why I care so much for this human I mean he's a human! I think to myself. Well maybe it's his eyes or his hair. I get lost in thought not knowing why "OH MY GOD I LIKE LANCE!" Until a moment of realization hit me "uh are you ok prince lotor?" acxa asks with a shocked expression on her face "y-yeah I'm fine." "Who's lance?" She asks with a smirk "isn't lance the name of the blue paladin, the paladin we just captured?" She continued as her smile grows she was now smiling ear to ear "n-no!" I exclaim while blushing a deep red "hm ok then I guess your blushing for no reason then." She says giggling "fiiinnneee I like lance! Happy now?!" I look down she realized why I wouldn't admit it "Lotor are you ok? You look really sad all the sudden?" She now looks worried "ya I'm fine I just realized that I shouldn't have left him alone and venerable." "Why?" "Haggar really did a number on him." "Well go to him if haggar gets to him again who know what will happen!" "Acxa your right ok go to his cell its number (idk you choose)" "ok thanks!"

Acxas POV

I wonder how bad he was hurt. I start to hear haggars haunting laugh followed by lance screaming "HAGGAR STOP LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I scream running as fast as I can to his cell

Lances POV

"Huh" I hear acxa is she gonna help me "lance!" She yells as she attacks haggar she gets blasted by magic "acxa!!" I yell as she flys back and lotor running towards me and haggar disappears with a cloud of smoke lotor runs to acxa knowing that's what I wanted I get up slowly and moan slightly "Lance!" Lotor comes to me "is a-acxa ok?" "Yes she's fine for now but are you ok?" "Yeah- ugh." I say holding my arm "lance let me see your arm." Lotor says slowly moving towards me I move my hand and reveal a terrible burn I moan as he try's to touch it "ugh!" I yell and rip my arm away lotor moves back a little "sorry." Lotor says looking down "it's ok lotor." "Can you walk?" Lotor asks "I-I don't know..." Lotor then picks me up bridle style and we walk over to acxa who was struggling to stand lotor sets me down after me assuring him I'm ok he puts acxa on his back and I use his hand to balance myself every once in awhile.

I've had a rough night while writing so bear with me

(Word count 450)

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