Be ready for the flashing lights

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How long has it been?

When was the last time there had been a war between the forces of light and darkness? When was the last time the peaceful world of demigods was interrupted by the malevolent force of evil who wants to take the rule of the planet?

Seven years.

It has been seven years since the Great Giant War, where the forces of Olympus collided against the children of Mother Earth. Fighting toe to toe to each other, both two sides losing their armies at the inevitable bloodbath. Innocent blood were spilled at the struggle for supremacy, so after the war, the bloodshed has taken its toll. Hundreds had laid their lives down to sacrifice for the hope of the future.

Each death has shifted the course of the war; for better or for worse. All the brief moments of courage coming from the demigods who offered their life for peace stirred the tides of a hopeless war. And finally it was won, but a victory with the expense of unnecessary bloodshed was no victory at all.

The five elements are not always equally predominant; the four seasons make way for each other in turn. There are no short days and long; the moon has its period of waning and waxing. Thus, thunderbolts and lightning aren't always frightening, yet stand steadfast for no one knows how such phenomenon blow.

The aftermath of the Giant War was a mess that took too long to be fixed. Other than the structural damages, there had been several problems that surfaced despite the claimed victory. Gaea's forces scattered once they found out about the defeat of their queen. There were still massive numbers of monsters roaming around the world, hiding in the shadows to avoid being eliminated by Olympus' Elite force; the Hunt.

Zeus ordered the clean up to any remaining forces of Gaea, making such that they should go back to the hole they crawled out from. The other Olympians took over to the physical damages of the war to the mortal world, each one handling their domains to try bring the equilibrium to both mortal and mythological world.

Right after a heated debate between the leaders of Camp Half-blood and Camp Jupiter which was Reyna and Octavian against Annabeth and Percy, the both camps decided to make amends with each other. Mostly because of Percy's influence over the fellow Roman soldiers because of the time he saved the camp from their doom. Octavian didn't sit still and planned to delay the peace between them, trying to get in the position of becoming a praetor. Luckily, Jason reclaimed the seat, suggesting that the two camps combined shall result to a unbeatable force for Olympus.

As both Percy and Jason were in power, they had raised the shield to proclaim Frank Zhang to take their place and rule beside Reyna. She agreed with their decision having to witness Frank's extreme skills for leadership when Percy and Annabeth fell in the Tartarus. Being one of the seven, the mob of Romans voted Frank as a praetor and pretty much he was crowned to lead them.

To avoid further conflicts, Percy told Reyna to exile Octavian for his mutiny of trying to control the Roman legion when Reyna was away. All the seven heroes including Nico agreed to dispatch the descendant of Apollo which caused reliefs over the two praetors.

There are been an oath taking and loyalty pledging for the two camps, something that will keep them intact in case any conflict occurs. The event was held in the Parliament Hall of Olympus. It was a new infrastructure mainly designed for the formal events or meeting. It was Hazel's idea since it would be unfair if the oath-taking would take place in either of the camp.

The Parliament Hall was a dome, the inside resembling a court though it was more elegant and refined. It only took four days to be built with demigod's who are great in architecture (Percy wasn't even considered) with the special help of Athena and Hephaestus. What could you expect from those two Olympian Gods?

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