Being a father

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"Here comes the choo-choo train! Choo-chooo!"

Percy chanted as he held the spoonful of porridge in front Lisa's mouth. The 1 year old baby takes a quick glance at her father before leaning forward to take the porridge in her mouth, doing a little hand dance at the taste. Seeing her reaction, he scooped more and continuously let his child enjoy the porridge he cooked.

Being a good father is not a piece of cake.

Especially when you also have to do the mother's responsibility. You see, Percy would prefer cutting monsters into half than peeling onions. They make them cry! He was also frustrated that he cannot get how to do the Julienne cut, square cuts that makes him just want to cut the cat outside.

Lisa is a vicious eater. In fact, all Percy do every day was to feed her again, again and again... and again. Whenever she would not get the her desired amount of meal and she would throw a tantrum. She scared him when she threw the cat like a rag doll when it stole the fish he cooked specially for her.

The responsibilities inside the house wasn't easy. Percy found it more comfortable staying in the wild, hunting for beast rather than taking care of a child. However, he got the grit to endured it because his daughter was letting him heal from those old pain.

One of the perks of being the Hero of Olympus was the Black Card that Hades gifted to him secretly after the ceremony. The God of the Dead figured out he would need it someday and monetary exchange is a common rule in the human world. The card contained an unsurpassable amount that Bill Gates won't achieve even if he sells his kidney; guess that's what you get for being kind.

While he was unbearably naïve, he managed to get the God of Riches on his side when he wasn't even trying! And now he was an instant billionaire! Of course, Percy doesn't want to announced it to the whole world just so chicks would dig him and they would name a dairy product after him, so he kept everything a secret. He didn't also buy a mansion, thinking he was not the kind to show off and is not attached to materialistic things.

He can order food from any Michelin Restaurant or Gordon's hotels for luxurious food, but he wanted to cook for his daughter; even when he isn't raised or taught to be a good someone. It's just he wanted to feel the magic and fulfillment of serving his child.

Amara Lalisa Jackson was that sudden magic in his life.

Selene was his Fairy Godmother and Helios was the wizard with the pointy hat, Merlin.

His life has this whimsical development that is surely a top candidate for the next Disney fairytale.

All Percy know that he was the sexiest man in Olympus at the moment with the whole force of Olympus are on the search for him.

To be brutally honest, he doesn't feel very sorry for them.

He was told to leave and now that he wanted to be alone, they were searching for him like headless chickens. Just because he left a word about him coming back, that doesn't mean they can go up to him and tell him to come back. Percy doesn't want to be found and they would learn it the hard way.

When Percy started taking care of his daughter, he simply doesn't know what to do so Percy had to do one thing he hates, READING. Apparently he had bought a smartphone since it was convenient to learn and ohꟷꟷ he doesn't need to worry about the monster finding him because he found a way to remove his scent. Therefore, Percy can have the normal life he wants.

He used YouTube to watch how to change diapers and browsed in the Internet the type of clothing infants should wear. Even if Lisa was just a year old, she was bigger than most of her age. He guessed it has to do with her Mother being an Olympian Goddess.

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