8 - The Silence Is So Loud

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 After the creepy doll started crawling towards our trio I decided that my life really sucks. In one day I had faced my family and friends dead/dying. I had also experienced the betraying me, it was definitely awful. Another thing about the whole doll ordeal that really sucks is that for some reason I can't hear anything. Absolutely nothing. You know that thing where your ears start ringing for some reason and you just can't seem to get rid of it? Well, yeah. That's exactly how it is except 100 times worse.

The ringing started too loud, and when I say loud I mean like someone with a giant speaker blasting music right next to your ear loud. That brings me to a new subject. The Taos Hum. For those of you who don't know what the Taos hum is, the Taos hum is based out of town in Arizona, America. The town is called, you guessed it, Taos. The hum is unexplainable, meaning scientists and science can't explain it. They've traced all the way out into the desert to the middle of nowhere.

There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the hum. For example, one of the most popular is that all the way out in the desert there's a UFO, ( Unidentified Flying Object). They think that this spacecraft is what causes the hum, but there's a lot of controversies about it. The hum only affects some people. Most people either do one of three things, but just as some side info, most people from out of town are affected by the hum while they're in Taos. Okay so one of three things will happen to the people, well I guess four things actually.

Number one, one thing most people do when they're affected by the hum is move out of town or go back home if they're on vacation. The second option is that quite a lot of people commit suicide because they can't stand the constant buzzing anymore. The third conclusion is that people actually can go insane. The fourth and final option is that people suck it up and live with it.

That's what the silence is like. Very loud but also silent. Do you get what I mean? Anyway back to the doll. Let me tell you it was fucking terrifying. I honestly think dolls are one of the creepiest things on the planet. Like, think of pretty much all good horror movies. There's Chucky, Annabelle, Jigsaw. Must I go on? I looked up to find the doll only inches away from my face. (Since I know that most of you aren't from America a couple of inches is like maybe 7 - 10 centimeters.) Screaming once again I scrambled backward successfully shaking the silence from my ears.

It's porcelain features morphed into a monstrous grin. Sharp teeth could just be seen in flashes. It's once delicate looking eyes turned bright yellow with irises like a cat. Or a snake. Actually, now that I think about definitely a snake. Yep, there's that weird tongue. Once again looking up a found myself looking at nothing. A hand landed on my shoulder and I turned around the bone shard still in my hand. I'm not really proud to say that I nearly took Ethan's eye out. 

His eyes widened when my knife fill in stopped just a few millimeters from his moss green eye. Drake quickly snatched my wrist so I couldn't go any further. Ethan gave a sigh of relief.

"Well wasn't that just one of the most fun things!" He said happily while Drake and I gave him the look that said 'Are you serious?'.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter!!

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