Head above the water

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"I hear someone had a good night in the end last night" Perrie jokes winking at me I bite my lip looking at Mikey

"Couldn't keep his eyes off him could you Lou" Mikey adds smirking

"Oh shut it you too" I punch Mickey on his side "What did you get up Pez?" I ask her trying to switch the subject to something else other than me

"Did a little bit of shopping with my sister... That's about it, had a early night" she smiles

"Sounds nice" I smile back at her

"So when are you going to ask him out?" She changes the subject back to what we were talking about before

I walk away taking a order from the other end of the bar. I pour a glass of white wine and a glass of red and pass them to the two women in front of me "that'll be £6 please" I smile they had me the money and walk off to a table in the far corner.

"Hey, Mr. Barman" a voice says I look up and see Harry

"Here again?" I raise my eyebrow "I really am thinking of making you a loyalty card" I chuckle

"Yes I'm back again" he laughs "literally my second home at the moment" he smiles I can't help but to fall harder for him when he smiles

"What can I get you on this fine evening?" I ask him

He thinks for a moment then says "I'm going to have a vodka coke and whatever your having" he smiles handing me a ten pound note

"I can't let you buy me a drink" I tell him passing him the ten pound note back  but shakes his head

"No, I insist. I want a drink with you" he says pushing my hand back he looks into my eyes and smiles

I pour a measure of vodka into a glass then fill the rest with coke. I take another glass from underneath the bar and pour myself a coke

"Sucks you can't drink" he says taking a sip of his drink

"I find it fun actually watching all the madness unfold all these drink people making huge mistakes... I love people watching"  I laugh

"Do you watch me?" He asks me and I'm in shock. Did he just ask that? How am I supposed to say yes, I can't take my eyes off you... I think your the most handsome guy I've ever met.

"Only when I think your going to get in trouble..." I say looking away from him

"What do you mean? Trouble?" He asks with a look of concern furrowing his brow

"Like last night... She was a catfish, I could tell that from the word go. I would hate if anything happened to anyone in this bar" I say... Nice save I think to myself

"I should have seen it coming to be honest... Too good to be true online" he says cracking his knuckles I grimace turning away "you don't like that?"

"No, I sure don't" I shake my head

"Hey, I'm sorry to break this chat up but some of us are actually doing work around here" Perrie walks up to me putting her hands on her hips

"Sorry better get back to work" I say drinking the rest of my drink "I'll see you later" he looks at me and smiles as I walk over to Perrie

"You say to chat to him and when I do you make me do work?" I laugh shaking my head in disbelief that they've just made me walk away from him

"I don't want you falling to hard for him" Perrie says putting her hand on my shoulder "gotta keep your head above the water, you know what I mean"

"He's most definitely not into you" Mikey says looking up from where he's sat he nods his head in the direction that I've just come from

I look back, he's sat there with a girl both laughing at something that he'd just said he puts his hand on hers on the bar and looks at her smiling with pure affection. I guess they are right he'll never be into me, he's into girls and that is something that I am not.

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