Chapter 6

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I walked through the hallway and to the first floor with Kierra. We arrived in an underground room with most of the tributes dressed in different costumes according to their districts. Kathryn was already there wearing an identical costume as mine.

"Look, District 1 is already going!" Exclaimed Kierra. "Hurry hurry . Get on your chariot! And don't act like other tributes. Put your arms around each other to show that you cone into this together! You are allies right?"

Kathryn and I looked at each other.

"Yes we are" I responded.

"Marvelous. Now get on!" Kierra bossed

We did as we were told and waited until District 6's chariot started running. Our horses were brown colored, like everyone else's. When our chariot started moving, we both pushed the button in our sleeves and were encovered with flames. I put my arm around Kathryn's waist and she put her arm around my shoulder. Immediately when the people saw us, they went crazy. They pointed and gasped. How could these people be entertained by watching kids die?! They were definetely psychos. Even though I felt a very deep hatred for these people, I pushed it in and smiled at them and waved at them with my free hand. So did Kathryn. When we reached the end of the street and were out of sight, we got off the chariot. A few other districts were staring at us weirdly. Especially 1,2,4, and 10. I just looked away.

"That was beautiful. They love you out there" said Kierra

I gave her a weak smile.

"Nice going kiddo" said Timeron.

"You were marvelous out there" said Petunia getting a little teary-eyed.

"You better get to your rooms. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow" said Petunia Flaregrass.


Next day I woke up at the accent of Petunia yelling at me. I opened my eyes and heard her telling me to go to breakfast. I took a quick shower which I'm not used to since in District 7 we only have freezing water. I got dressed and went into the kitchen where evrybody except Darren was there. They told me he was still sleeping and that they had to inject a sleeping drug into him cause he was too high last night. no wonder he wasn't in the chariot rides.

"When Darren wakes up, each of you will spend an hour with each mentor to mentor you and another hour you will be mentored together. First, Kathryn will be mentored by Timeron and Trevor will be mentored by Darren. And the next hour, vice-versa. The next hour the two mentors will mentor you together. Afterwards, you will be going to the interviews with Caesar Flickerman." Said Petunia to Kathryn and me.

We went to the table where eggs, toast, bacon and hashbrowns were being served. I took a big heap of each item of food and chowed them down till I couldnt eat another bite. Who knows if I will ever eat something like this again? Might as well enjoy it.

After I ate it, I went to the couch and sat down. A few minutes later, Kathryn came and sat down with me.

"Since we are going to be allies, I think we should know a bit more about each other. Dont you think?" Kathryn told me

" I suppose we should." I answered

"Well, Im 18. I live with my dad because my mom died when I was younger. I have a younger sister. She is 13 so this was her second year in the Reaping. We are both signed up for tesserae. Hmmm... what else? I cut down trees near my house to maintain our family. My mother also chops trees and I was teaching my sister. I think that's all" said Kathryn

"Oh wow. Well I'm 17. I work with my dad chopping trees. I'm an only child. I live with both my parents. Im signed up for tesserae too. I don't thinkbthere is anything else special about me"


I gave her a small smile which she responded with another smile.

"You're a really cool girl. I wish i had talked to you before in school"

"Thank you. That means a lot to me. I'm usually not very liked at school" she told me.

"Oh. Me neither. I don't have any real official friends."

"I feel ya'" she answered.

At that moment, we heard Darren get up and walk through the door of his room.

"You wanna eat?" I asked him.

"No" he answered solemnly.

"Okay I guess" I said.

"So let's start with the mentoring. Chop Chop!" exclaimed Petunia.

I gave a look to Kathryn and we both got up and went to our assigned rooms with our assigned mentors.


Sorry I took long to update. My school started so I have been sorta busy so sorry if I take long to update these days. Still, thank you for reading and please give stars :)

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