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Kylee stood by the construction Room door waiting for Brittany to finish cleaning up. She was one of the few people that actually did their jobs and also the jobs of others, so she would usually be one of the last people to leave.

Kylee walked into the room waiting for Brittany to finish blowing the dust off of her bag.

Once it had been saddled over her shoulders Brittany sighed and said, "Let's go."

Together they walked through the construction room and out of the Ag Mechanics room.

"So how was Ag?" Brittany asked.

"It was good," Kylee responded. "I finished 3 welds so yeah it was pretty good."

"Good job, Foster."

"Thanks dude," Kylee responded.

"How was construction," She asked.

"It was a good. I'm pretty much done with making anything unless somebody wants me to, so I'm really just using it as a study hall," Brittany shrugged.


The girls walked through the school doors and started down the corridor.

"Ready?" Brittany asked.

"Yeah dude! Always!" Kylee responded.

The two girls walked into Mr. Simmons's class.

"Hi Mr. Simmons!" they both exclaimed.

"Pause," they both raised their hands to the side in a sort of 'wait' motion.

"By Mr. Simmons!" they giggily yelled.

"Bye girls, have a mediocre day!" he called after them.

"I'm gonna miss that if I move," Brittany sighed. "I was thinking about that earlier today. If I do leave. Would you still do that?"

"Yeah I probably will. It's not gonna be the same but," Kylee trailed off.

"Yeah! I thought about that too," Brittany replied. "So I was thinking. If I go to Wenatchee-oh! I just remembered! So apparently they're shutting down the school due to overpopulation. So everyone is being split up between West Side and Eastmont."

"Really??" Kylee questioned. "Wow."

"Yeah I know right," Brittany agreed. "Anyways, whatever school I go to, if the schedules line up, I could call you before you get to his classroom and then we could still do our thing. I mean only if you want you know?"

"Yeah no that's actually a good idea. And you could talk to him a little bit too. I know he's going to miss you."

"Believe me I'm going to miss him too. And you of course!" Brittany smiled.

"Aww I'm gonna miss you too dude! I can't believe you'd leave me with Henry and Pollo!" Kylee laughed.

Brittany made a face. "Oh come on. You know you'd enjoy part of that."

"Yeah right dude," Kylee called out as she started towards the choir room; Brittany and her separating their paths.

"Bye!" She called out. But Brittany had already entered the gym.

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