|28| Love

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Before we start, I want to mention two things. One: In this chapter, something may sound familiar because I heard this audio that I really love and I really wanted to use it. So I check the movie and what scene the audio came from. Just telling you guys because I don't want you thinking that I came up with it. I'm not going to say what the audio name is because I don't want to spoil it. 

And Two: I want to say thank you once again! I now have like 6.2K readers and you guys have no idea how happy I am!  It just makes me want to post more and more chapters! Again, thank you so much for all the love and support My Little Troublemakers! I love each one of you!



You went back to your class. It was already the end of the day. 

"(Name) you're finally back, how was it?" Nakamura asks you.

"Not so bad actually, but let me tell you, the big five are a bunch of idiots," you say with a sigh.

"Idiots?" Kayano says.

"No I mean, they know there knowledge but when I was with them, I had to hold myself back from making fun of them and even from shocking them. It was a pain," you complain.

"There, there," Nakamura says as she hugs you.

"You take such good care of me, Nakamura," you say.

"Now, let's go home," she says.

"Yeah," you tell her as you both walked out of the building.

Isogai said that he said a ticket for a seat in the library for everyone and ask if we would like to join. Nagisa and Kayano both said yes. Nakamura and Okuda also said they wanted to go.

"Karma, you want to join?" Isogai asks him.

"No thanks I'm good," he says as he looks at you and then walks away.

You looked the other way. You didn't want this, you don't want to be strangers with Karma, you wanted it to be as it was before, where you and Karma would ditch classes together, prank others, get into trouble, tease each other. You just wanted it to be him and you. 

You also went to the library with them because it can be a good way for you to teach them, help them out. You guys got a good spot.

"(Name)?" you heard your name.

"Carlos? What are you doing here?" you ask.

"I'm studying for the exams, you?" he asks.

"Teaching my classmates," you tell him.

"Teaching, you? That's a surprise," he says.

"Shouldn't you be with your classmates and studying before my friends beat you in the exams," you tell him.

"Yeah, I'll get going. See you before the exams," he tells you.

"Yeah," you tell him and then he leaves.

They all looked at you and when you looked at them, they looked back at your paper. "Alright, I'm going to look around for a book which I hope they have, I'll be back soon," you tell them.

You couldn't find the book you were looking for, you went back to the other but then you saw the big five talking to them except that Gakushu wasn't there. You don't know what they're saying but you know that whatever it was, they were making fun of your friends.

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