|33| Keep Fighting

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Okay so before we jump back to the story I need to mention Something: Instead of posting a new chapter every Sunday, it's now going to be every Monday because starting from next Sunday, I'll be going swimming. I do competitive swimming now. I don't do Volleyball anymore because I quit so every Thursday and Friday I now do wrestling and every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday I babysit. I have a very tight schedule but Monday now seems to be free so I'll be posting chapters every Monday, I hope you can understand that.

Now I've talked too much so let's jump back to the story!


"(Name)..." he says as he walks to you quickly. He looks at the machine that says your heart rate and he saw it lowering, "No... Hey," he says as he looks at you, "You told me that you'll come back to me... You promised you would..." he says as he brushes your hair gently. 

He sees a chair by your bedside and he sits down. He grabs your hand, "Don't give up please..." Karma prays. He looks at you, "Open your eyes please...." he says whishing that this would be just one of those fairytales stories. He kisses your forehead, hoping that you'll wake up any time soon but a fairytale is a fairytale.

He looks at you and you wouldn't open your eyes, "Hey, do you remember when we first met?" Karma asks still holding your hand, "You walked in class... you were all over Koro-sensei, and I remember everyone was shocked when you called Mr. Karasuma your father... Even I was surprised..." Karma says with a small smile and laugh.

"You used the same trick on Koro-sensei that I did... but you were able to get closer to killing him than I was... I laugh when you told Karasuma that you forgot to write your name on the exams... well you did write it for math..." 

"Do you remember the first thing I said to you? You sat down beside me and Koro-sensei went back to teaching and I asked you if you and Karasuma were related or not... You told me to call you by your name and if I don't you would call me names then you told me it was none of my business to know if you were related to Karasuma or not... and then you asked for my name..." Karma takes a deep breath and continues.

"Koro-sensei then say: Karma stop flirting with (Name), and I defended myself by saying that I wasn't flirting with you but you just told him that I wasn't and that if I were, I would suck at it... I guess I proved you wrong so many times huh?" Karma says with a warm smile.

"You walked out of the class because you wanted to see the surrounding and you took your lunch with you... You didn't like it, you said you put too much salt and that's when we talked... I don't regret leaving the class so that I can talk to you... I then asked you to ditch class with me and I never regretted that day... I never regretted asking you to ditch with me because on that day is when I got closer to you... I even asked you to skip the assembly with me but you rejected me but then we started ditching class together all the time or every chance we got... You could say I feel for you on the first day we ditch class together..." Karma says. He brings your hand closer to him, he kisses your hand, "I love you... I love you (Name)... I need you to come back to me... Please... just open your eyes..."

Your hand that he was holding started to move a little. Karma looks at you, waiting for you to open your eyes and say something stupid with a smile, "(Name)...?" Karma ask. Your hand starts to move a little more. 

Karma was about to smile but that smile went away went he notice that your whole body started to move. Your heart rate started lowering even faster and you looked like you were suffering, "(Name)!!" Karma yells, "Someone! Help!" Karma yells, "Please... Don't do this to me... (Name)!" Karma says still holding your hand. He doesn't want to let you go not this time, "Please... keep fighting it..." Karma ask.

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