Are my eyes lying to me?!?

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So let's just say that you like a guy, and you've liked them for a while now, for nearly three years. you don't talk a whole lot, got one class together, but it was that one, brief conversation with them that brought it all into perspective and you can't get them out of your head. Well that's how I feel, and it makes me sick to my stomach that I don't know how he feels, but it's those little things that I noticed to where he might.

I have said before, he needs to be blunt, any guy for that matter, and tell me that he likes me, because I never have a clue as to if so. but those little things that I look forward to seeing everyday. Like how he compliments on my handwriting, I still write in cursive, how we are both lefties- he has never commented that, but would be nice- how he thinks I'm strong, the physical and stubborn way. I honestly don't know what to think about him, I feel like we would be great together, I don't know why I think that, but I really never do that.

my best friend doesn't know I like him, because I know she will judge me, and she already has judged me by who I've liked. we have been getting more and more distant since last summer, 2013, but I have gotten to the point where I want male attention and try to put more effort in the way I look, and she will ask why I am dressing up. she says he is stupid for making a joke that everyone will laugh at, but not her. I feel terrible for talking about her this way, but this is the only way I can vent about my life. she has gotten me to the breaking point of tears for some stupid pointless thing I did, but in the end she said, and I quote "You know I can't drive hookers around in Jane, her truck, so do  that again and you got to go to the corner for a ride" I don't know how long I cried when I got home, but I didn't talk to her till she asked me what's wrong, I brushed it off and told another close friend what happened and cried most of the class period. she doesn't have any sisters or parents that she can vent to about these kind of things to, she has parents but they won't understand. we both live on farms, proud FFA member for me, but I want to be able to wear a dress and feel pretty, but when I get her to try she doesn't understand. she acts more country, like I swear she got a fake country accent sophomore year of high school, I can be at her house and not hear it and at school she puts so much effort into it, it gets annoying, but do I tell her that? no, because I try to be a good friend. But back to the guy stuff.

  I really need people, girls even guys to tell me in the comments if this gives any sign a guy is into you;

1. When lunch is over and you are waiting for the next class period to start and you are talking to your friends and you see him staring at you, you look away because you're shy, and then you look back up and see him staring at you.

2. in class he makes a joke and everyone laughs, when you do he looks at you again.3. you feel like he is walking so close behind you, you smell his amazing cologne and just say something smells like a really hot buy-in because I have no filter around him- and you see out of the corner of your eye and see him smile.

please help me, I am completely hopeless in telling if he likes me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2014 ⏰

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