Red Runaway

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Elmo woke with a groggy start. He was barely able to force himself out of the bed. He couldn't take the incessant routine day after day.

"Same day same problem," Elmo mumbled to himself. He walked out of his room and fed his fish, Dorthy the Goldfish. 

Elmo's phone dinged on the counter. A message from Zoe, Elmo's girlfriend, shone brightly on the screen. Elmo groaned at it.  

'Good morning, Elmo! We should have a double date with Bert and Ernie today!! ' The message read. Elmo reluctantly replied with a thumbs up and put his phone back down.

He walked to his bathroom and stood in front of his sink. "how to you wash your hands, Mr. Noodle?" he mumbled to himself, "How do you stay here... Mr. Noodle?" Elmo dropped his head in despair. He pushed his frayed hair down with some water and then left the bathroom and walked out his home.

Zoe was already waiting outside.

"Elmo! I've missed you!" she kissed his cheek.

"You're already here? How long have you been outside?" He questioned quietly. Zoe ignored his question and pulled him away from the door.

"Hurry up, Silly Goose! Bert and Ernie are already waiting!" Zoe yelled joyously.

Just around the corner, they stopped at Willy's Hot Dog Stand. Bert and Ernie ordering their food.

Zoe! Elmo! How are you two doing?" Ernie yelled the arriving couple.

"Ernie, no need to be so loud," Bert groaned at his boyfriend. 

Elmo sat on a ledge right beside the group. Bert and Ernie looked at Elmo and then shared a worried look.

"Well, I need to freshen up a bit! Elmo had me waiting for him all morning!" Zoe laughed. She ran off down the street and out of view.

Bert and Ernie sat on either side of Elmo. "You seem off, buddy. You've also been gone for a while. Somethings up," Ernie said soothingly.

Elmo let out a deep sigh, "Everything is always the same, guys. I wake up, I feed Dorthy, Zoe texts me, she drags me out somewhere. I can't stand it. You guys look so happy together, why don't I feel that way?" Elmo Dropped his head into his hands while Bert and Ernie Rubbed his back.

"I love Ernie, Elmo. I have for a long time. You just don't seem to feel the same about Zoe. I've never seen a spark in your eye when you look at her." Bert suggested.

"I've never felt a spark. I don't even know what love is supposed to feel like, guys." Elmo spoke softly.

Bert and Ernie shared another look, "you don't have to. You don't have to stay with Zoe, if she doesn't make you happy. You don't owe any of us anything," Ernie said, while Bert nodded along.

Elmo looked up at both of them and nodded in understanding.

Zoe came prancing back, "that's all done, now! Let's have fun!"

Elmo stood and faced her, "I can't, Zoe," Her face showed confusion, "I can't do this." Elmo gestured between the two of them. Her face dropped and her eyes teared up. "I'm sorry." He turned away and ran home, leaving the others where they stood.

Elmo burst through his front door and began rushing to pack a bag before anyone could question him.

To Elmo's misfortune, a banging began on his door, followed by shouting, "Elmo, please! I don't know what I did wrong! I love you!" It was Zoe. Elmo winced and stayed quiet.

After finishing packing his bag, he sat with his back against the front door, in the dark, until he thought Zoe was gone. He peered out the door, threw the bag on his back and ran. 

He ran until he was sure no one would look this far, and then he kept running, until he found a train station. He boarded the first train going anywhere.

It took him straight to his new life. 

For the first time in his life, he felt something when he looked at another person. His stomach flipped upside down and his heart compressed to half size.

"Are you ok?" Asked Elmo to someone crying outside the train station.

Eyes that truly popped out of his lime green head looked up at Elmo, full of sorrow yet wonder.

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