New and Scary

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"Are you ok?" Spoke a voice

Kermit looked up from the spot he sobbed in. Above him, stood another with the most tired, yet caring eyed Kermit had ever seen. 

Kermit took a deep breath and spoke, "yeah I'm fine."

A red hand reached out to Kermit, "Let's get you out of here. I'm Elmo."

Soon enough, they sat in a small café. Elmo with a little pastry and Kermit was sipping Lipton tea out of a glass cup. They sat opposite from each other, in a booth seat by a window.

"So what was all that about? I mean, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want." Elmo Inquired.

Kermit softly set his cup down, then took a deep breath before speaking, "It's okay. Well... Uh.... Life at home, with the wife and all, hasn't been so great lately." Elmo listened on intently, whole Kermit continued, "sometimes it's just too much to handle, y'know?"

Elmo nodded his head and quietly said, "yeah, I do."

Kermit looked to Elmo, "So what about you? What brings you here?"

"I'm not really sure, to be honest. I just ended up here" Elmo mumbled.

Kermit nodded silently.

"I just had to go somewhere, I guess." Elmo looked out the window as he spoke.

Kermit didn't respond, he just stared back at Elmo, lost in his daze. Elmo looked back to Kermit, and Kermit turned red, like Elmo.

"Uh, sorry... I zoned out a little, I guess." Kermit laughed nervously.

"Well where did you come from, at least?" Kermit asks.

"Oh I'm from," Elmo pauses as he considers whether he wants to bring his old identity from Sesame street. Ultimately, he decides where he's from doesn't need to change who he will , become, "Sesame Street" Elmo finishes.

Kermit's face lights up, "Oh, I've been there before! I was a news reporter," Kermit pauses to think, "the people there do not like being interviewed." Kermit's eyebrows furrow together for a moment, Elmo can sense some frustration.

"That surprises me; the people I knew back on sesame street almost never shut up." Elmo says with a hint of resentment.

"Yeah, well they were all to busy!" Kermit shouts with some heat of the moment passion, then quiets down, "sorry, Elmo, I still haven't recovered from it."

Elmo laughs a bit, "I could say I feel the same about the people back home. They weren't all bad, I guess, but I just couldn't stay."

At this point, Elmo finished his pastry and Kermit his tea. They clear their table, leave the café and walk down the street side by side.

"So tell me about this wife, who's causing you so much pain, Kermit." Elmo asked.

"oh, well you really do have to judge our relationship by the hour. I'm prone to the occasional outburst where I will berate Miss Piggy, who is my girlfriend by the way, but she knows karate and will not hesitate to chop me across the room, so you can't really put the blame on any one person." Kermit explains.

"Well... maybe, but I feel like being karate chopped across the room might be a little worse than being yelled at." Elmo says cautiously.

"I suppose, but we've been together for so long, it feels crazier to end it than to stay with her." Kermit explains to Elmo. "well, this is my place," Kermit points up to the building they're standing in front of, "where are you staying?" He asks Elmo.

Elmo looks as if he's been snapped back into reality, "Oh, I actually don't have anywhere to stay right now. I'll probably just find a motel or something." Elmo says, but is really just thinking out loud.

"Oh, nonsense! Just stay with me. I've got a couch you could sleep on." Kermit offers.

"But what about Miss Piggy? I don't want to intrude." Elmo says aprehensively.

"Miss Piggy doesn't live with me, so she doesn't get a say! Come on in!" and they both walk into the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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