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Oh, hey.  I drew Bex!
It's kind of-kind of not what I'm imagining her to look like.
And, I mean, the nose is kind of weird and some other stuff, but I tried, okay?

"Weren't we gonna go take a wash today?"  Bex asked, looking up from the book she was reading.  She'd already read it five times since they'd arrived at their new home.

"Oh, yeah.  I forgot about that."  Dex mumbled.  "Do we really have to though?"

Bex rolled her eyes.  "Uh, yeah.  You all smell gross, and as much as I hate to admit it, so do I.  Also," she pulled a stray piece of greasy hair in front of her face, "my hair is disgusting."

"Ew," Lex snorted, even though he was pretty much in the same boat as she was.

They all were, really.

Dex sighed.  "Fine, but we're not taking too long."

"I knoooow, Mr. Grumpy Pants," Bex groaned, body bent and arms hanging down at her sides as if she were dead.

Dex shook his head.  He stood up and walked a few steps towards the shack to gather supplies.  "Stop being dramatic.  And, Rex, will you please grab the obscurer?"

Rex nodded, ducking into the small hut to do as he was told.

Dex crawled into the side room where they changed and kept supplies.  He grabbed a smaller bag, holding items like towels and shampoo inside of it as Rex searched the place for the small device.

After a moment, he found one.  "I hate bath time," he grumbled.

"I know you do."  Dex said, smiling sadly at the reminder that his little siblings were still just kids.

Kids with a major part of their childhood stolen from them.

"What's with the face?"  Rex asked.  He gripped the obscurer and crawled over to his brother.

"Ah, nothing.  Why don't you go set that up with Lex?"

Rex nodded, saying nothing as he left.

Dex grabbed a few pairs of clothes for each of them and threw it into the bag.  He took some food as well, figuring that if things went their way they could have somewhat of a picnic.  Along with those necessities, he also grabbed one more hiding device.

As he emerged from the fort, he was met with the humorous sight of Rex on Lex's shoulders, trying to put the obscurer in the tree.  Bex was shaking her head disapprovingly at their brothers antics as they fought over what to do.

"Um?" Dex mumbled, walking to stand next to Bex.  "What are they doing?"

Bex shook her head again.  "Lex convinced Rex that this would be more useful to learn how to do rather than using a skill he already knows."

"So they're refusing to use levitation or telekinesis?"


"Don't they know that if they fall and hurt themselves I'm gonna forever have them on bed rest?"


"Okay."  Dex said, peering up a bit more to watch where Rex was putting his arm.  "Lex, step a little to your right, dear."

"Thanks, Granddad!"  Lex said as he took a few steps right, careful not to let his brother fall off of his shoulders.

Rex reached up a bit further, stretching his body higher, so that he could place the tiny object into a certain crook that Dex had hollowed out into the tall, twisted tree the first time they all needed to leave the camp together.

Stick Together-- Dizznee FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now