In which the author updated and is sorry for the long wait.

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In a desperate want to get this to you as soon as possible, I didn't proof read this.

Bex snorted as she used the wind to make the water splash over the edge, onto her brothers.

Dex shook his hair out with a grin.  "Hey, Dork, watch it!"

"I am and it's pretty funny!"

Even Rex had to laugh at that.

Dex wiped the water off of his face.  Weird... the tree trunks almost looked purple.

"Wish I'd manifested."  Lex said with a snicker.  He dove into the water after Bex, knocking her down.

"Be careful!" Rex called after them.  Dex didn't miss how Rex had caught a quick glance at him when he said it.

Ah, whatever.  He could let it go.  The day was so nice.

"Do you hear that bird?"  Dex asked, smiling.  He tilted his head up to see if he could find it anywhere.

"What bird?"  Bex questioned as she stepped out of the water, followed by Lex.  They were both sopping wet.

"The one singing!"  Dex said.  He closed his eyes to listen to it.  It almost sounded like it was speaking to him.

"Yeah, totally."  Rex said, looking at his twins.

Lex nodded.  "It's, uh, really nice."

"Yeah."  Dex said softly before he reopened his eyes.  "Well are we going to do anything other than practice Bex's ability today?"

The boys and Bex exchanged looks. 

Man those tree trunks really were pur-!

"We could make Sunlike a cage?"  Bex suggested.  They'd left the white bunny at the campground under a box so she wouldn't escape.

Dex bounced to his feet, earning strange looks from the triplets.  "That sounds like a good idea.  Rex, you get wood, Lex you're really good at tying rope so you do that, and Bex you and I will do quick constructing!"

"Uh," Lex said slowly, "what if I help you construct, Bex finds the wood, and Rex ties the rope.  He's better at it than me... Remember?"

"And what is quick constructing?"  Bex asked.  She pulled on her fingers.  Kind of like Linh used to.  Or was it Keefe?  Maybe Biana?

Dex shrugged, mostly to himself.  "Not sure.  Probably fast constructing."

"Right..."  Bex replied.  "I'll go find some wood now."

Dex nodded, "Can you just walk back to camp alone?"


"Can't you walk alone."

Rex cleared his throat.  "It's a rule that we all stay together."

A rule?  Rules? Dex kicked his shoe.  "Ah, who cares about rules, I'll meet you there!"

After a few minutes, he turned around to only find one of the boys following him.  "Why are you following me, Rex?"

"Uh,"  The boy said slowly.  "To help you gather... um... materials from the shelter for Sunlike.  I know Rex - or, uh - Lex and Bex are gathering wood right now, but we need to find the string or rope."

"Oh."  Dex nodded.  Well then, off they go!

Why were the triplets suddenly being so weird?  Dex was having a perfectly good day and then they started talking really slowly with these kind of high voices.  How rude!  They shouldn't ruin his perfect day just because the birdy won't talk to them.  And yes, Dex knew the birdy wasn't talking to them - even though they said it did.  He was...

"Wait, Lex?"  Dex asked slowly.  They were at camp.  When did they get back to camp?

Lex looked up from the pile of thick twigs in front of him.  "Yeah?"

"Where are Bex and Rex?"

"They're out getting a few more twigs for the cage..."

That's right.  They were making a cage.  But why were they all separated?  It was a rule that they don't become separated!

"How far are they?  Why aren't we with them?  Or helping them?  Where?..."  Dex stood up when gentle hands pushed him back down onto the log.

"We're right here."  A quiet voice hushed.  Rex.

Dex turned around.  "Why were you guys away?  Don't you know you're supposed to stick together?"

Rex looked at Lex in question, who in turn gave the slightest shrug back.  What was going on?



"You told us to."

"No I didn't.  I would never."

Rex looked at Lex again.

Confused and suddenly feeling awfully dazed, Dex looked around the camp.  There was no fire.  They'd put it out in the morning.  Everything was in place.  Just how they'd left it.  But something felt wrong.

Something was wrong.

""  Dex tried to speak as that dull headache from the night before started up again.

"What's wrong?"  Bex asked, handing him a cup of water.  Where did she get that?

"I think somethings wrong."  Dex said slowly.  He had to sound out the words in order to make sure he was saying them right.

"Did you hit your head?"  Lex questioned.

"No... Yes... I don't know.  It hurts."  Dex put his head in his hands.  The world was spinning so quickly.  It was like they were sat on a globe and some merciless god was batting at it until it spun so hard it fell off the stand.

"Okay, you need to sleep."  A voice said.

And then he was moving.

Then he wasn't.

He was in a sleeping bag.  Not that he cared.

Why was the world suddenly so painful?

And why were those darn tree trunks outside purple?

Stick Together-- Dizznee FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now