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some content in this chapter could be triggering


"guys! I'm going to chipotle, anyone wanna come?" jonah calls up the staircase. "I'm coming! I'm starving!" jack called from the hallway, running down the stairs, along with daniel. "cool, the uber is here so let's go." jonah says grabbing his phone from the island heading towards the door to where jack and daniel waited.

"Corbyn, you coming?" jonah asks looking over at the faux blonde. corbyn shook his head 'no' with a frown planted on his face. the older boy sighed, knowing something had been going on with him, not knowing what had the usual, happy, excited Corbyn all sad and dull. he nodded his head and walked out with the guys.

corbyn watched as they left, before turning his attention to the window next to him. he let out a sigh as he watched the raindrops fall onto the glass. his anxiety was really bad today. he wanted to try and contain himself while the guys were here. but once they left, he felt his eyes sting, quickly filling up with tears. failing to hold them in any longer, within seconds, Corbyn began crying a waterfall. he silently stood up and ran up the stairs into the bathroom. he opened the drawers where he kept his razors and sat against the bathroom floor.

unable to think correctly, he lifted up his sleeve and dragged the razor against the skin on his arms. he watched as the blood began to come out of the fresh cut he had created. tears blurring his vision, he cut again. at this point his feelings were all over the place, he couldn't quite control his actions. he made another cut. thinking he was home alone, he began to sob loudly as he made another cut against his skin, and another.

on the other hand, Zach, who had still been home heard the violent sobs from the bedroom. he jumped up from the bed and followed the cries, confused at hell. the sobs got louder as he got closer to the bathroom. he opened the door to the bathroom, his heartbreaking at the sight.

he looked over at his best friend, who had been on the floor, covered in the blood from the cuts he created, completely broken. zach felt his eyes fill up with tears, he had never seen the boy so hurt before. he began to panic rushing over to Corbyn's side. "Corbyn, what did you do?" his voice cracked.

corbyn's blue eyes met with Zach's brown ones. his crying got worse. he had not known that Zach was here. zach grabbed Corbyn's arm slowly, examining the fresh cuts, and the old ones. "why?" he said sadly. Corbyn cried harder as he saw Zach so hurt at the sight. zach grabbed the nearest towel and gently placed it over Corbyn's cuts with one hand he held it there. corbyn flinched in pain. with his free hand, Zach grabbed Corbyn's phone since it was the closest one and began to dial jonah's number, as Corbyn cried to himself. 

"what's up corbyn? do you want something from chipotle?" Zach heard jonah's voice through the phone. "it's n-not c-corbyn." Zach said in a shaky voice. "Zach? what's going on?" Jonah began to worry as he heard the panic Zach's voice. "c-come home n-now!" he cried looking over at the broken Corbyn making him cry harder. "what's going on?" he heard jonah panic. "what's wrong?" he heard jacks voice as well. "it-t's c-Corbyn!" he cried. "what's wrong with Corbyn?" he heard daniel's voice panic. "what's happening Zach?" jonah asked again.

"come!" he yelled into the phone before hanging up and showing his full attention to Corbyn. "Corbyn. don't do this!" he sobbed as he looked at the blonde who only cried harder. "it hurts Zach." he whimpered. zach grabbed the phone again and dialed 911 and pressed the call button.

"911 what's your emergency?" the lady spoke over the phone. "help! please, my best friend is trying to hurt himself." Zach cried into the phone. giving her all the information, the call ended quickly. all the stress slowly started to get to the blonde and then he blacked out.


what the fuck did i just do... also i cried in the making of this you don't know how hard it was

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