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song for this chapter - she loves control by camila cabello
2 weeks earlier
october 12

my first week of my second year old college was done, and all i could say was, i was exhausted.

my lovely teachers threw us more work than i was anticipating, and i definitely have my work cut out for me.

it was friday afternoon, and since i didn't have classes on fridays i decided to sleep in after the long week and not start on my homework until now. i was already assigned three projects, all of which were going to be due next thursday.

my first project was simple, just create a product and explain how you would sell it to a company.


i was able to finish that in forty minutes, which is what happens when you go to a fashion college, i was able to do simple projects like this pretty quick since that was mainly what my first year consisted of.

without taking a break in between assignments, i quickly got started on my next one, which was for my entrepreneurship class. i had to come up with a way to sell myself as my own brand that people would be interested in.

my focus on my project came to a pause as i heard a ding on the speaker in my kitchen, letting me know someone at the lobby was wanting to come up.

i tossed my laptop to the edge of my bed and slowly got up, stretching out my legs for the first time since waking up.

i walked into my kitchen and held down the button next to the speaker.

"hi mark," i said, knowing that mark was the one working the front desk in the lobby today.

"good afternoon liv. brandi is here."

"send that hoe up," i said, hearing two laughs come from the small speaker.

i walked back into my room and grabbed my phone, seeing two missed calls and six messages, all from brandi. oops.

i opened instagram as i walked back out, and plopped myself down onto one of the barstools.

scrolling through posts and liking and commenting on them was part of my daily routine, not just because i was a teenager, but also because it was kind of my job.

instagram and brand deals were really my only sources of income right now.

i continued scrolling until i heard a knock on my door.

i got up and twisted the knob, revealing a very excited brandi on the other side.

"are you so excited to go get lunch? i'm starving!" she asked me as she entered my apartment.

"yes, i just need to finish up some homework really quick."

"homework on a friday? who are you?" brandi asked, pretending be shocked.

"i just really wanna be on top of all my work this year. maybe even graduate early. again." i smirked at her referring to us graduating from high school a year early.

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