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song for this chapter - something new by roy woods (highly recommend)

saturday, october 27
3:26 a.m.

i woke up to my phone vibrating, forgetting where i was for a second. i grabbed my phone from beside me and tapped the screen, revealing the time to be 3:26 in the morning.


i then looked at the notification that had initially woken me up.

tanamongeau commented on a post you're tagged in

i clicked on the notification which took me to instagram, looking at tana's comment.

liked by brandimonroe, tanamongeau, and 1,636,241 others
ethandolan made a new friend
livwebster u really had to bring the turtle in the hot tub
tanamongeau i ship

okay...weird. isn't she friends with emma? why would she comment that on ethan's post?

i kept looking at her comment, until i realized that i wasn't going to be going back to sleep any time soon.

i looked to my right seeing brandi still sound asleep, as was everyone else.

i quietly got up and snuck out the door, going downstairs to get a glass of water, trying not to wake anyone in the process.

being as quiet as i possibly could, i opened the fridge and grabbed one of the water bottles in the fridge, unscrewing the cap and taking a long drink.

a few moments later, i heard footsteps coming down the stairs, assuming it was james.

i turned around to go back upstairs when i ran into someone and gasped.

it was ethan, and he was just as surprised to see me as i was him.

"sorry, i didn't mean to scare you," he gave an apologetic smile.

"you're fine, i was just about to head back upstairs." i told him.

"what are you doing up?" he said as he looked in james' fridge.

"i couldn't sleep." i said slowly as i watched him. "you?" i asked, hoping it wasn't because i woke him up.

"i'm hungry."

"you woke up because you were hungry?"

"yeah. doesn't that happen to you sometimes?"

"uh, yeah i guess," i said, almost as a question.

i stood there in silence before going to sit at one of the barstools as he went through the fridge, unsatisfied with everything he saw.

he closed the door to the fridge and turned around to face me, biting his lip before he spoke.

"look, you can't sleep, i can't sleep. this might sound really odd, but fuck it. would you be down to go grab a bite? i was thinking mel's drive-in on sunset, since they're open 24 hours. if you don't want to, though, its chill."

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