Light In The Dark

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I wonder what would have happened if you didn't come to me that day. With an unexpected note. A note expressing your feelings for me. Would we have both been quiet?  Would either of us have gotten to where we are now?  The world works in mysterious ways.

But I never will forget the day you returned my feelings.

I will never forget the tears that ran down my face when I read that note.

I will never forget the nurse coming in and asking if I was alright for me to say I was.

You gave me Hope. Hope to carry on in life.. When all I could see was darkness.. You gave me the light to find my way out of the dark.

The road is still long.. And rocky. I keep tripping over and I'm terrified of the dark. But I'm glad you're there with me while I make this long journey, to support me safely.

I want to do the same for you. I want to be your light in the darkness. I will hold your hand and guide you out gently. Even if we sit in the dark I'll sit there with you. So you're not alone.

We can do this. It's not going to be easy,  we don't need fixing,  we just need to be there.. So please don't give up on me.

Another Star .1 (Locked Deep Book Series)Where stories live. Discover now