Our Own Little Hammock Bubble

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It all began with those dangerous words,

"Jie-jie try it!"

She should have realized what she was getting into, having a younger brother herself, but seeing the trees and the clouds blur over her head to the soundtrack of their excited cheers as she lay there in the hammock still came as quite a shock.

After a few laughs and pleading cries to the young boys who were trying to catapult her to space, the hammock finally slowed.

She shakily climbed out of the hammock, trying to calm her beating heart.

Distracted, she barely heard Tao-jie promise the boys that they could not only feed the baby fawns but have the privilege of naming them.

As their excited voices faded off into the distance, she could feel her boyfriend getting closer to her until he was in her personal bubble.

When his arms came around her and started rubbing soothing strokes up and down her arms, her head finally cleared and her heart rate and breath became more regular.

"Yue, how are you feeling?"

She turned into his chest and took a deep breath, "Better. I don't feel as dizzy as I did minutes ago."

She felt him press a light kiss on her forehead.

She enjoyed being in his arms for a couple more seconds before she drew back a little and started lightly whacking him on the arm,

"Yah!!! You conspired with the little munchkins to send me to space through a hammock ride didn't you? I heard you cheering with them!"

He laughed trying to dodge her hits, "I wasn't... I wasn't... I swear! I knew they were going to put all their energy into it but I didn't know they were going to do it so forcefully I promise! Once I figured it out, I had my hands on that hammock tight."

She flung her arms up in the air, "A little warning next time, k? Like brace yourself and hold on tight or something."

He approached her with his hands in front of him, "Got it. I would have never let you fall, you know that right? Never, I will always catch you. "

She smiled up at him, wrapping her arms around his neck, "I know. I trust you completely with my life, my love, my protective tiger."

She threw her head back in laughter as he picked her up and swung her around, "Aiyoo my Shen Yue!"

When he stopped, both of them with faces slightly red, she laughed back at him, "Aiyoo my Wang He Di!"

As he pressed his lips to hers, she felt the world fade away.

With every stroke of his lips, she felt more and more giddy.

She eagerly responded as he drew her bottom lip into his mouth and lightly bit on it. She could kiss him forever and never get tired, she loved his kisses.

They drew apart at the sound of some particularly loud birds in the trees around them.

"Moodkillers" she heard her boyfriend playfully grumble.

She kissed his cheek quickly in response and she saw his cheeks slightly redden and a goofy smile appear on his face.

She closed her eyes to hear the sounds of the nature around them. It was so peaceful and quiet and it felt like they were the only ones there.

"It's so beautiful here Didi" She said looking at him, never leaving the warm cocoon of his arms.

"It really is." He said looking at her.

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