Airport Surprises

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He saw her at the airport and his heart jumped in excitement, the entire thing becoming more real every second.

He waited until they were both through security then he rushed towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her to him, joining their lips together. They spent some time getting reacquainted with each other's mouths, being more public then they normally would be since it was ridiculously early in the morning and the airport was practically empty. She teasingly nibbled on his lip and he decided that oxygen didn't matter as he kissed her once again, though they had only been apart for a matter of hours having fallen asleep next to one another before she kissed him goodbye to go grab her suitcase and then join him at the airport.

They stood there with their arms wrapped around each other, just simply enjoying being with one another and breathing in their comforting scent.

They moved by the window, where you could see the darkness outside peppered with the lights of other airplanes coming in and flying out of the airport. She had turned around now so that her back was to him, her arms resting on top of the ones around her waist and his head resting lightly on top of hers, as they both looked out of the window.

"Are you excited?" She turned her head to look at his.

He nodded while squeezing her waist lightly, "Extremely excited to go home again. And for my family to get to know you. They'll love you." He said with a smile.

"Thank you" He murmured looking down at her, "I love you."

When she kissed their entwined hands before turning around and kissing his neck, he knew that she knew what he was thanking her for. "I love you too" She said quietly.

He was excited to be going home and to be sharing this experience with his girlfriend, but he found his eyes closing as they waited for the plane to arrive. It was just that her shoulder was such a comfortable place for his head to rest on and smelt just like her, a scent that was both cozy and fresh, and so her heartbeat against his ear and her thumb rubbing smooth comforting circles on the back of his hand ended up lulling him to sleep.

He woke up moments before their boarding group was called when Yue moved her head against his and then tapped his leg to get him up, both of them walking onto the plane, hands tangled together.

It was not a large plane with not many passengers that morning as it traveled from Beijing to Chengdu, so all of the seats around them were empty, which was great.

They ended up sitting in two seats near the window with him claiming the aisle seat and Yue snuggled up to the window. He wanted her to have it because he wanted to see her reaction coming in to Chengdu from the sky, as she never had been to Chengdu before.

Though sleep was most likely advisable, the fact that he was alone with his girlfriend meant that he wanted to spend every moment with her. So the arm divider between their two seats were lifted and they spent the next three hours snuggled up to one another, talking and watching funny videos he had saved on his phone.

They eventually dozed off, their heads leaning on one another, but they woke up as they were approaching Chengdu.

Her eyes were fixed to the window, despite it still being dark out, in order to catch even the slightest glimpse of Chengdu from the air.

Watching her get so excited over his hometown warmed his heart and reignited some of the love he felt towards his hometown, some of that long lost magic.

Suddenly his breath caught and his hand tightened around hers as the most beautiful sunrise flooded the sky and painted the landscape under it so picturesquely, Chengdu looking even more stunning and sharp from the air as the smog hadn't yet settled in.

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