
872 28 6

2 weeks later

Brittany's POV-





"Luke give me my phone back!" I said trying to grab it out of his hands.

He just stepped away.

"Brittany,who is 'pink hair freak'?" He said scrolling through my messages

"A friend." I said as I jumped on his back

"Ohhhhh he doesn't sound like a friend." Luke laughed reading me and michaels messages.

"Give it!" I said,

People were giving us weird looks. We were in the middle of the mall.

Ashton and Sarah were laughing behind us.

"Oh you have pretty eyes." He said trying to mock a different voice.

"You have n-" i stopped him in the middle of speaking. "If you finish that sentence I will chop your dick off." I said cutting him off

He handed me my phone and covered his man hood. I smiled at him and mumbled a thank you.

He smiled and stepped away from me.

Sarah stood next to me and said "what did it say?"

"Nothing. -ohh vans! Luke come here!I'm not gonna hurt you." I giggled and pulled him inside the store.

We walked around and I saw a green day tank.

"Oh I like this!" I said reaching for it. But of course I'm too short.

"Luke help!" I said

He sighed and said "you need to grow."

I laughed as he grabbed my waist and picked me up.

I found my size and tapped his head and he set me down.

"Thank you lukey." I smiled

I went to the counter and the lady looked pissy.

"That will be 14.34$ please." she said but it came out as more of a like 'i hate my job go away' kinda way.

I handed her the money and grabbed the bag.

I saw Sarah giggling standing next ashton while i was with luke. "He's going to ask her out anytime now." He mumbled.

"Yea, I bet he will. We're all best friends but they have something more."

"Yeah, but you're basically a sister to me."he said putting his arm around my shoulder

"Yeah" I said putting my arm around his waist.

We walked around a bit more until we got hungry and stopped at mc Donald's.

I got a number 6 to share with Sarah. But she got a separate drink.

Luke and Ashton got their things I don't even want to know what.

We sat down with the food and started eating.As we talked we some how ended up talking about michael.

"So how did you start talking to this 'pink hair freak'?" Ashton said sipping his drink

"I tweeted something and he tweeted back. So we started talking, heMs pretty great."I smiled

"But how do you know he is not some 56 year old perv?" Luke said

"Cause he's not." I said

"But how do you know?" Luke pressed

"Fine." I said unlocking my phone and opening my FaceTime app.

"What are you doing?" luke said

I shushed him as I started face timing michael.

He answered on the 4th ring

"Hey tiny!" he smiled

"Hey mike did I wake you up?" I said

"Uh no I was about to go to sleep." he answered

"Okay so can you do me a favor?" I asked

"Yes tiny of course."

Sarah started giggling at his nickname for me.

"Okay so my friends think you are a 56 year old perv can you prove that you are not?" I smirked

"Well show me these friends." he laughed

I turned the camera to show Luke Ashton and sarah.

"Is that your boyfriend?" he said pointing to luke through the phone

I giggled and said "no he is my best friend."

"Okay." he laughed

I showed Ashton and said "this is ashton my other best friend." ashton smiled and said hello

"And finally my favorite person in the world sarah." I giggled

"Hello Sarah I shall call you tiny number 2" he laughed

"Eh it works." Ashton said

Sarah punched his arm as michael Luke and I laughed

I turned the camera back around to show me and Luke.

"Now do you believe that he is just a happy 18 year old boy?" I giggled

"Yes I believe it." luke smiled

"Good." I said and turned around to the camera.

"Mike did you change your hair color again?"

"Yea I changed it to blue like you. I realized that this was the only color I have not used." He smiled

"Well I have to change your name again." I laughed

"What was it before?" he laughed

"Pink hair freak." I giggled

"Wow. yours was tiny as I call you." he said

"Well yea. What do you want me to put your name as?"

"Uh, cliffo  with a little eggplant"he shouted then covered his mouth

"Okay will do but I gotta go. Sleep tight mikey." I said

"Okay bye tiny have a good day."

I hung up and luke stared at me and I said "what?"

"He totally likes you." ashton said

Luke nodded as did Sarah

"No he doesn't" I groaned blushing

"Yes he does. You weren't looking but when he asked if Luke was your boyfriend he looked almost jealous. He likes you Brittany." Ashton teased

"Well there is nothing I can do about it. he lives in Australia and I live in America."

"One day we can fly there if you guys still talk. Plus I already want to go just to see Sydney Australia cause everyone says it's cool." sarah added

"Yeah, maybe.I said


Hi! Okay here is the second chapter!!!!!

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