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Michaels POV-





It has been a rough 3 days.

When Brittany talks to her brother he is a dick and it makes her cry.

I try and comfort her but I can't because she doesn't remember me.

Cal is upset because he needs her to remember her.

Sarah is torn up.

And the past few days she has been trying to get her to remember.

But she can't.

And it hurts all of us.

When we got to the house like hugged her and she was scared.

We told him what happened and he had tears brimming in his eyes and he ran out of the house.

And today I have a plan to make Brittany remember me.

If this doesn't work I will cry.

Or probably die.

Yea two sounds better.

I had spent all day working on this.

I got to Brittany's flat and walked in and knocked on her door.

She opened it and smiled.

"Hello michael."

I smiled back.

I fall in love with her all over again every time I see her.

"You what?" She choked

"I-I'm sorry what?" I said

"You said you fall in love with me every time you see me." She smiled

I blushed.


"Don't be. Now what do you want orange hair freak?"

My heart started beating faster.

"Wh-what did I do?" She said

"What nothing it's just you used to call me that." I said

She nodded.

She was still having pain on her side.

It was gonna be a whole till she was better.

I'm just glad Tyler is in jail.

"I'm oh yea uh can you come with me?" I said

She nodded and followed me down the stairs.

It was maybe 7:30 and the sun was setting.

It was beautiful.

We walked to the back yard and I opened the door.

I had some lights hung up.

It looked exactly like one of our first dates.

Her eyes went wide as she brought her hands to her mouth.

She looked at everything.

"Come here princess." I said taking her hand and bringing her to the tree we sat in for hours looking at the stars.

She had trouble getting up. But when she finally did I grabbed my guitar and she looked at me.

"Brittany, this is the first song I sang to you for our anniversary and I thought you would love to hear it again."

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