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Brittany's POV-





"Were what?!" I screamed dropping my phone

"We are going to Australia in two days I talked to your parents and they are cool with it." She said smiling really wide

"Oh my god Sarah I love you so much you have no fucking idea!" I screamed attacking her in a hug

"I love you too but you better get packing cause we have to get everything ready remember two days." She laughed

"Oh my fucking god I have to call Michael I hope he is awake." I screamed running up the stairs.

"Come on michael answer please answer." I whispered under my breath

He finally answered and his face changed from sleepy to worried.

"Brittany what's wrong why are you crying?"

"Michael I get to see you!" I screamed

"Well yea that's why we are skyping tiny." He laughed

"No michael in two days I am flying to Australia and I get to meet you. I just I just got told and I had to call you sorry if I woke you up but I'm so excited to see you and oh my god michael I get to meet you." I said taking my glasses off and wiping my eyes.

"Oh my god holy shit Brittany baby I get to see you!" He said. My hart fluttered as he called me baby.

"Michael I will let you sleep I just wanted to tell you this because I was so excited."

"I'm so glad I finally get to meet you love I just feel like I'm talking to a computer more than a person." He said

"Yea I understand that." I said

"Okay tiny I'm so happy about this you have no idea and finally I don't have to call you when you are sleeping or you have to call me." He laughed

"Night Mikey I love you."

"Night tiny I love you too."

Then I shut the laptop.

I sat on the bed for a while before getting up and packing.

-next day-

"Sarah!" I screamed but it came out as a laugh

"What?" She said sitting next to me on my bed.

"Watch this," I said in between laughs.

I had just gotten done watching Tyler talk with helium.

"Oh my god." She laughed "it's funnier when Zoey pretends to pop a ballon and Tyler already had a heart attack and then Marcus popped his" she said laughing histarically.

"Are you all done packing?" She said finally done laughing at this video.

"Yea I have everything that I need packed."

"Did I tell you how long we are staying?" Sarah asked

"No,how long?"

"We are going to stay a week." She answered

"Yes!" I screamed

"Cause you can see michael and all that fluffy lovey stuff."

"Speaking of fluffy lovey stuff what's up with you and ash?"

She started blushing and hiding her face

"You so like him!!" I screamed

"As a friend."

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