Passing Notes Is For Children

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Tuesday. School. A tired Annabelle.

All things that should not go together. And yet, here they all are.. going together.

I sit quietly in history class, temporarily occupied by the ticking of the clock on the light blue class room wall. I tap my pen against the table in sync with the clock. I tighten my pony tail, look at my manicured nails, fiddle my fingers... anything that would make the time go faster!


Ah finally! The bell for home time finally rings! I put all my books away into my locker before leaving the school. I walk over to my little black car to see Chelsea, Phoebe and Noah waiting there for me.

"Unlock the car already! You took forever!" Chelsea yells out, eagerly tugging at the door handle.

I unlock it, get in and watch as Chelsea and Noah both fight for the front seat. A victorious Noah slams the door closed, making Chelsea have to get in the back with Phoebe.

"Alright but we're just going back to my house because I'm not bothered to go out today", I put my music on and we sing and laugh until we pull up onto my drive way.

When we get in my house, my parents are sitting on the couch watching TV downstairs. I say hey, my friends say hey and my parents say hey- the usual. We go into my room and they all find themselves a comfortable spot to make themselves at home.

I drop my bag by my room and lay myself flat on the bed, looking up to the ceiling, allowing my eyes to rest finally after school.

"So Iyesa's birthday is this Friday. I'm so excited for her to see what we've got planned for her!" Chelsea exclaims as she looks through my sunglasses collection, trying them all on.

"Yeah who's got the stuff? Did someone pick them up yet?" Noah manages to question in-between mouth fulls of chips.

"Mhm. I picked them up last week." I reply, smiling at the thought of it.

"I love how we're doing this on her birthday even though she's the youngest out of us. It's going to be good." Pheobe adds, turning up the music in my room.



Finally, the start of the end of the week.

And what other class do I have first than maths. Of course.

I enter the dull class room to see the teacher has closed all the blinds and turned off the lights, allowing the projector on the board to be more visible. I roll my eyes, placing my books on a desk towards the back by myself.

"Today we're watching a video explaining algebraic equations. My throat's a little sore so I thought this video may be more helpful than me try to talk all lesson." And with that said, the math teacher pressed play. Already, I can tell this was made at least a thousand years ago. Shitty sound quality and the perm on the lady in the video, helping me prove my point.

I pull out a piece of scrap paper from my note book and start drawing. Just whatever comes to my head. I make a design, inspired by henna designs and tribal tattoos I've seen, creating a unique sketch.

I briefly hear a "sorry I'm late", and a "quietly take a seat", but take no notice. Until I hear someone sit next to me. I look beside me; Chase. He smiles at me, neatly placing his books on the table before letting out a whispered "Hey".

I smile back forcibly before continuing my scribble.

"What are we doing this lesson?" Chase whispers to me.

I point to the projection on the screen, then continue my previous doings.

A few minutes pass before I hear him softly clear his throat, "So what are you drawing?" Chase asks another question.

I shrug my shoulders. I honesty don't know what I'm drawing yet anyway.

Ten minutes later, I look around to see all of the class either taking notes, slyly messaging on their phones or fighting the urge to let their eye lids shut.

Chase slowly pushes a paper over to my side of the desk.

It reads 'Your drawing looks nice.'

I look at him and as I'm about the whisper "thank you" to him, he puts a gentle finger over my lips and points to the screen as if he's been interrupted by me, even making his facial expression look oh-so-offended that I would dare try talking during this 'useful' information about algebra.

I giggle to myself before writing back on the paper, 'Thanks I appreciate it.'

I pass it back to him. A few seconds later I receive a reply, 'Your drawing's not the only thing that's looking nice today ;)'

I can feel that I'm suddenly sporting faint pink stains beneath my cheeks as I start blushing.

I quickly write back, 'Aw thanks again. I don't know what to say.'

I hear a few scribbles before getting the paper back, Chase writes 'Wait what? Did you think I was talking about you? I meant Stacey, she's looking pretty good.'

I look up to find Stacey seated a few rows in front of us. She's wearing about two litres of oil in her unwashed hair, as well as a sweaty under arm stained grey shirt, an unforgiving tight green skirt (which nicely my shows off her butt crack), with odd socks peeking out of her battered old joggers.

I look back at Chase and try my hardest not to laugh. My stomach starts cramping up and my cheeks hurt. But it's the good kind of hurting. I slip out peeps of laughter and receive a few odd looks from the students around me. This includes Chase, as he tries to act innocent through out this scene.

I playfully push his arm, making him start to giggle too.

He takes the paper again and jots something down, 'You know I don't really know anyone here. Can I please have your number?'

I nod casually, write down my number and he writes down his. We save each others numbers. Then I continue my drawings and he continues watching me draw. But this time we're both smiling.

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