Cut to the Chase

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"Uh excuse me for a bit guys, I'm going to talk to that guy. I remember it's his first day here" I let my friends know before leaving the table. I walk over to Chase to find him texting on his phone.

I tap him on his shoulder, "Hey, it's Annabelle. I don't know if you remember me from that party but I just wanted to say hey."

Chase smiles sweetly before responding, "Hey yeah of course I remember you. It's hard to forget. You were pretty drunk." He chuckles to himself.

I cringe, "No, no. That was me sober, don't be silly darling."

"Mm, whatever you say darling. Let's walk?" Chase asks, slowly bringing his blue eyes to meet mine.

I nod before leaving the cafeteria with him. We walk down the corridor before going around to the back field of the school. It's basically where the guys go when they play football or other sports.

"Is there anywhere more secluded from here?" Chase thinks out loud, looking around. "Actually let's go behind there Annabelle, it looks quiet. And I don't see any cameras either." Chase points over to behind the sports shed, there's a small space for both of us to fit and no one would even know we're there.

I agree and we continue our walk. He takes my hand and directs me as we shuffle along the side of the shed to get to the back.

Chase reaches down to his pocket and pulls out a small, black lighter. He lights it. Then using his other hand, he starts to play with the flame. Running his fingers through it.

"So why did you change schools?" I ask, filling in the silence.

"My parents made me. All this shit about me not doing as well as I could be and that I'm troubled. They think my friends are bad influences." Chase leans back on the shed.

"Well at least you can still see your friends after school or on the weekends right?" I suggest.

"Yeah, for sure. It's just shit being at this school, away from what I'm used to." He let's out a deep sigh before looking at me and forcing a smile, "But I don't know. Maybe this school won't be so bad after all."

I smile back and nod softly.

Chase clears his throat, "You looked really nice at the party. When I saw you walking over to me I was like, nah she just wants to take one of my cigarettes, no way she wants to actually talk to me."

"No way! Was it that obvious? I was just using you to get to your cigarettes, sorry!" I joke sarcastically.

"Yeah I knew it. When you took that first drag and almost coughed on it, I knew you were a heavy smoker." Chase goes along with the joke, smiling hard as he continues.

We burst with laughter and look at each other.

I repeat what he said earlier, smiling into his hypnotising blue eyes, "Maybe this school won't be so bad for you."


The rest of my day is a drag. Filled with irritating people, classes and annoying teachers. Yippee.

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