Let's Talk About TCs

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If you've been in the Nymphet community for some time you probably already heard about Teacher crushes, especially if you have Tumblr. Now, liking your teacher isn't really a Nymphet thing but since most nymphs type in significant others is 'older' it happens quite often that they fall for one of their teachers. That they are authority and most would say that it is wrong to like them makes them even more interesting. But there's a huge difference between wanting to try your charm on them (don't) and genuinely liking them. If you eventually realized and accepted that you have an actual crush...well then welcome to tc hell.

Having a crush is fun and amazing and exciting but also so frustrating if it's unrequited. And having a crush on your teacher? It's both the pain and the pleasure times ten. You suddenly look forward to their classes and actually like studying because you want to impress them. You only want to be close to them (honestly being friends with them would be more than enough) but you know you can't and you hopefully know they shouldn't. Sure, being friendly isn't a problem but nothing more.

Then, of course, you want to find others who understand and don't judge you. Possibly, you've come to tumblr and found the tag TCC which stands for the 'Teacher Crush Community' (or the true crime community but we don't thirst after actual killers here) . You read a lot of posts about how people text and hang out with their TCs.
The thing is, it's unrealistic. I don't know if things are different in America but I can assure you that it is not like this where I live. Most likely you won't get that close to them and that's good. Being too close would be unprofessional and most won't cross the line, especially if you are a minor. And you have to respect that.

I still loved liking my Teacher Crush because he made me happy. As the positive and friendly person he is, he's always smiling so to him it's not anything special but it means everything to me when he smiles at me or greets me in the hallways. I never felt better then when he gave me a good and fair grade or told me I did a good job. The first time I saw him standing in front of me, behind his desk I literally hold my breath. I was immediately attracted to him and it only got worse after I discovered how sweet he is. His laugh is one of my favorite sounds and I hate seeing him upset. There was a time when he was pretty stressed out and I just wanted to hug him and offer comfort and help. One time he winked at me and I literally couldn't breathe... God I could talk many chapters how great he is but I don't wanna bore you. Let's just say he's pretty much everything I want and the most attractive man I've ever met. I'd do anything he'd asked me to. It's a problem.

Most likely, you'll feel the same or similar. It's hard to control your feelings but It's important that you know that there's a line you can't cross. So here are a few DOs and DON'Ts:

- risk their jobs with inappropriate behavior
- make them feel uncomfortable
- reveal private information about them on the internet like their name or face
- flirt with them
-contact them about anything but school (@ all you who have their number. Why. You shouldn't unless they gave it to you for school)

- respect them both as human and your teacher
-understand that having any kind of unprofessional relationship is illegal
- understand and accept that they (hopefully) only view you as child and a student
- respect their significant other or children if they have them
-admire them from a distance

Right now I honestly don't know what else to say about this topic so I'll end this chapter here. Of course it's perfectly fine to dream a little but please don't do anything stupid and risky. There's nothing wrong with how you feel but make sure to stay safe, darlings 💕

Merry Christmas🎄🎁

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