The Tragedy and Great Mystery of Death

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I yawned and stretched as my Hedwig theme song alarm went off. I had stayed up till two thirty reading again. I made the bed and blew an air kiss to the half blood prince as I went to get dressed. after putting on a pair of black jeans and a deathly Hallows tee shirt and went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror at my seemingly ugly face. I brushed out my straight black hair and added a little mascara to my green eyes before putting on my British flag converse and racing down the stairs for breakfast.

"geez perrie you've been up there for hours." my little seven year old sister said as she poured her cereal. she flipped her blond hair over her shoulder as she concentrated on not spilling the milk. I stuck my tongue out at her a made a piece of toast.

"be nice to your sister lily" my mother scolded her and my father nodded in agreement across the table. in spite of being related we all had different hair colors. my father's was brown, mine black, my mother's red and lilys blonde. we all have green eyes and very pale complexions. I yawned.

"did you stay up all night reading parry otter again?" my dad liked to rile me up by treading in dangerous waters and messing with my harry potter books.

"no" i yawned again. "just until two thirty"

"Perrie jay Edwards you need to stop that. that's the third time this week!" my mother exclaimed.

"sorry" I mumbled through a mouth full of toast and brushed a piece of hair out of my eyes.

"I wish I could read harry potter" my sister pouted as she looked at me longingly.

"too bad lil you have to wait till you're 11 like I am" i messed up her hair and she batted my hand away.

"hurry girls I see the bus!" my father called from the living room. I slung my bag over my shoulder and raced my sister to the bus. i flopped onto a seat beside my best and only friend who (surprise surprise) liked harry potter too.

"hi scarlett" i looked at her off the shoulder chemical romance tee and red jeans with her blonde hair and blue eyes.

"you look tired. which one are you on now?" her eyes were understanding.

"six" I replied shortly. we arrived at Edinburgh middle school. all the 6th graders spread into groups of two and three and crowded into our mini hallway. Scarlett leaned against the locker beside mine.

"Luke is looking at you again" she said quietly, glancing at him across the hall. I groaned. "why don't you just ask him out?" she asked. I blushed profusely and glared at her

"we are not having this conversation right now scar. I have to get to pre algebra" i hid my face in my binder and walked quickly to my class just as the bell ran and everyone scattered. the day quickly passed and soon I was on the bus home again.

"so why won't you talk to luke? or any boy for that matter?" Scarlett said a little too loudly.

"scarlett" i moaned. "because the guys here are jerks." Scarlett shrugged.

"good point but still if any boy looked at me that way I would definitely at least talk to him" I ignored her and we said our goodbyes as I got off the bus stop and ran all the way into my house. i was greeted by the delicious smell of spaghetti and meatballs.

"mmm smells good" my mom smiled at me.

"call lily down for dinner will you?" my father said, not looking up from the newspaper on the table.

"lily!" I called and she shut off her music and skipped down the stairs.

we ate dinner in silence.

"we should watch a movie" suggested lily. my parents looked at me and I shrugged. lily picked ferris buellers day off and we dimmed the lights and sat together on the couch. we were just getting to the part where Cameron goes into shock because he totaled his dad's fancy car when the door flew open. my father paused the movie and crept cautiously to the door. suddenly a man pointed a stick at him and with a flash of green light my father fell to the floor. my mother quickly handed something to me as I screamed in horror. the man turned the stick on my mother and she too collapsed to the floor. I tried to defend my sister but with another scream I felt as If I was electrocuted. the hooded figure quickly used the stick on my sister and fled the scene. the pain had wore off by now as I checked lilys pulse and realized there was none. she was dead. I rushed to check my parents and came up with the same results. I fell sobbing onto lilys ice cold body. there was instantly a loud crack and a figure appeared out of no where. she was an older lady, fairly tall with long robes and a pointed hat. I trembled in terror as I spread out to shield my sisters body from any further harm.

"w-who are you?" i managed to squeak out.

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