Emotionally Exhausting Not Vacations

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The cheers we're nothing but dull roars as I sat down between Draco and a hulking massive guy. I could feel Seamus' disappointed gaze on my back.

"Hey you okay?" Draco looked at me somewhat worried.

"Fine. Just thinking." He nodded and we listened to Dumbledores beginning of the year speech. The food arrived then, the colorful puddings and delicious smelling chicken legs. I picked at my food, still thinking.

"You on a diet or something?" Nott asked.

"Yeah Perrie. Are you sure you're okay?" Draco watched me uncertainly.

"Fine Draco. I'm just not that big of an eater." I ate a bite of my treacle tart, smiling at the fact it was Harry's favorite.

As I settled into my bed, I found I couldn't fall asleep. When I was sure everyone was asleep, I let out all the suppressed feelings. I cried until there were no tears left. I curled into a ball, shaking. A small hand touched my shoulder in comfort and I jumped in shock.

"Its okay" A sweet voice, but one that gave me chills. I turned to my comforter, my eyes puffy and red and saw a small black haired girl.

"I'm Kinsey. Why are you crying?" She asked softly. I shook my head and then started crying again. Kinsey hugged me tightly and I eventually fell asleep, Kinsey unraveled from me and I woke up shivering. I quickly dressed and went down to breakfast. Kinsey saw me, but thankfully didn't say anything.

"You look tired Perrie. Get enough sleep?" Draco asked, showing up beside me suddenly.

"Not really." I yawned." Couldn't sleep at all."

"Try to get some sleep tonight. Heaven knows you'll need it." I nodded, yawning again.

"See you in potions." I hurried to get to my first class, Defense against the dark arts. Lockhart was the teacher this year. Great. The class passed boringly, Lockhart flashing around his jaunty smile and making all the girls swoon. I didn't see what their problem was. He wasn't much of a looker anyway. I walked toward my potions class, and who was I sat by? Seamus Finnigan.

A few glares from others made my wandering eyes glue to the floor. I worked in silence with Seamus, dumbfounded at his smiles and kind gestures of help. I could feel the apprehension, but it was being suppressed. I walked with from class with a slight smile, and dropped all my books when Seamus approached me from behind. I hurried to pick them up, looking back up into his eyes and almost dropping them again.

"Hey....I was wondering If you needed help with potions? Maybe I could...maybe...tutor you" My attempt to stay calm was taking all my effort.

"Sure" i managed to force out. He smiled, lighting a flame in my chest.

"Great. The library, at lunch tomorrow then?" I nodded and he strode away, leaving me to collect myself and head back to the common room. And who should I see but Kinsey. Yay. She looked up at me as I flopped onto a couch in our common room. A hard one, mind you. Nothing in our common seemed comfortable or inviting.

"Tired there, Perrie?" She asks, stifling laughs. I groaned in response.

"Who knew school could be this taxing?" I huffed. Kinsey left out a tinkling laugh.

"It is school you know. Not a vacation." I stuck my tongue out at her.

"I never really got to talk to you after last night. Why were you crying?" She asks softly. I swallowed.

"Are your parents both magical Kinsey?"

"Yes. Both purebloods." She sighs. "It seems that's all that matters here."

"My parents are dead."

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