You're a Wizard Perrie!

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I awoke at a mumble of voices that could just be heard as if behind a closed door. I sat up quickly and stared at the wizened man before me. The small bird from my hand perched on the headboard of the bed I was laying on and the crumpled letter on the table beside it. The eyes behind the small glasses perched on the edge of his nose were sparkling.

"Ah you're awake. Good" he busied himself with stroking the small birds head.

"Who are you? "I asked, halfway believing it was a dream.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore" he replied kindly. I blinked.

"They must have put me on something at the hospital because I thought you just said Dumbledore." He laughed.

"I know this must all seem strange to you perrie, but you must hear me out. I'm here to invite you to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. You have magical talent and your parents, it must come as a shock for you to hear this, are wizards. The rest I shall tell you at my school away from prying ears. Assuming you wish to go of course." I nodded numbly, still believing I was in a dream. He smiled.

"Good. So today is July 30th correct? I will send someone to pick you up tomorrow and for now here is a list of your school things." He conjured a list out of thin air and I stared in disbelief. He handed to me and left with a crack that had my jaw on the floor. I looked at the list, the writing exactly like the kind in the books and wasn't surprised to find a rather long list of books, a couple sets of robes and to my newfound excitement, a wand. I timidly crept out of the bar and tapped on the bricks, opening the entrance to diagon alley. The hustle and bustle sent my head spinning while the beauty of it all made me stare in amazement. Was this real? Diagonal alley, the place I had once hoped and dreamed of was standing store my very eyes. I was massed into the hoarde of witches and wizards clamoring to get last minute items and pulled away right in front of Madam Malkins. I stepped inside and was fitted within the first couple of minutes beside a second year boy that I instantly recognized as Draco Malfoy. He was staring at me intently, probably trying to figure out where he had seen me before. I sent a timid smile his way and something in his eyes clicked. He looked about to say something but I hurried out of the store.

Next was Flourish and Blotts. I bought numerous books with the silver sickles and gold galleons Dumbledore had left me including Potions for Beginners by Aurthor Strait, Elementary Transfiguration by Miranda Goshawk, A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot and Beginning Charms by Willam Slinkhard.

I passed the Owl Eyelops without even a blink. I figured I already had my baby bird and if Ron could break the rules by bringing a rat, then I could too. Last of all was Ollivanders. I walked into the dim, dusty shop, rang the bell and jumped as Ollivander popped out from behind a shelf full of wands.

"Ah Miss Perrie. Dumbledore told me I should be expecting you." His mystical voice sent a shiver down my spine. His long spindly finger pulled a wand out of its case and handed it to me. "Oak, 10 inches, Unicorn hair, nice and flexible." I waved it and Ollivanders hair turned canary yellow, causing me to laugh and blush at the same time. He took the wand back and strode to the back of the store,  coming back with another wand and his hardback to normal. "Willow, 13 inches, Dragon heartstring, inflexible" I flicked it up and the whole shop was dust free and lit with mini lanterns. Instead of looking happy to see his shop so clean, Ollivander looked troubled. "I seemed to have misjudged you Miss Edwards."  I swallowed and left the shop, carrying all my purchases back to my room in the Leaky Cauldron. The moment my head hit the creaky bed I was asleep.

I haven't updated in forever due to extreme writers block but updates will be coming. Thanks for reading. Please remember to





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