Hogwarts In All Its Wonderous Glory

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I awoke to a sharp rap at my door. The British accent of a cleaning lady penetrated my ears.

"Miss you have fifteen minutes to get ready." In a flash I was throwing things in my trunk, pulling on skinny jeans and a button up and collecting my hair into a messy side braid. I stuffed my wand and the crumpled letter in my pocket and the baby bird perched on my shoulder. Just then Snape came in the room, gazing at me in dislike and I followed him onto Platform 9 and 3/4.

"The headmaster has asked that I escort you to the train. He also wishes that you stay safe. Do not go mixing with the wrong crowds." He said no more but just watched as I pushed my trolley through the wall into the train station. The smoke was billowing and the station crammed with wizardkind. Once I boarded the train, I saw Draco motion for me to follow him. Probably out of stupidity, I heeded his direction. I was sat between him and a boy who looked to a be a first year too. The boy turned to look at me, his sparkling blue eyes and blond hair somewhat familiar.

"Blaize Zabini" his smooth voice startled me out of my remembering. He winked and I blushed, turning away to face the other members of the train compartment.

"Theodore Nott. You're quiet pretty, aren't you? Draco convince you to sit with us?" A black haired, what I guessed to be a second year boy said from the window seat. His eyes had a glimmer of laughter as Draco hit him on the shoulder and I turned as red as a tomato.

"Shut it Nott. Draco Malfoy." He introduced himself.  "Your name is?"

"Perrie." He looked as if he wad trying to remember me, even though I was sure I hadn't seen him before. As the train rode, they asked me a couple questions.

"What house would you like to be in?" Nott asked. I shrugged. I hadn't really thought about it much. I always assumed that I would be in hufflepuff for my ordinariness.

"You're slytherins aren't you?" Zabini asked. Draco nodded, staring at me in utter interest. I tried to ignore his penetrating gaze.

"So are you a pureblood?" Nott asked, breaking the silence that had settled over us like a blanket. The question struck home. Were my parents purebloods? Slytherins? Even Death Eaters?

"I-I don't know." I looked down, Nott incredulous look too much.

"But you must know-"

"Leave her be Nott. She doesn't know." Nott sent a sharp look at Draco but went quiet. The train stopped soon after and I was pushed through the crowd of first years and onto a boat. The sky was dark and dreary, the stars shrouded in clouds. What a shame that I couldn't experience the idyllic stars that hovered over the illuminated castle. We were pushed into a hallway where we waited for Mcgonagall to arrive. Someone bumped into me and I spun around.

"Sorry." He looked up and I was looking into the eyes of a young Seamus Finnigan.

"It's fine. I'm Perrie, by the way." I smiled shyly at him. He smiles back.

"Seamus. Where are-"

"Perrie!" Blaize called. Seamus' face clouded.

"I'm sorry I have to go." I said apologetically. I walked quickly to Blaize and a group of other first years.

"Why we're you talking to him? I talked to him when we got of the train, he's a half-blood. You shouldn't go mixing around with anything other than purebloods." Before I could reply, Mcgonagall clapped her hands and got our attention.

"Attention first years! We will step through these doors and you will try on the sorting hats, being sorted into your houses. The houses are Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. She ushered us through the doors and we stood nervously before the stool the sorting hat was perched upon.

"Abbot, Cary"  the timid little girl with a long braid down her back sat down the stool shakily. The hat was placed upon her head and-

"Hufflepuff!" Well I looked forward to meeting her there. The sorting went smoothly. The group that Zabini had tried to introduce me too all went to Slytherin, along with a grinning Zabini.

"Edwards, Perrie!" My name was last, just having being added to the list yesterday. Hushed whispers filled the room as I walked to the stage. I sat down on the stool, the hat placed upon my head. But the word Hufflepuff did not come.

"Slytherin!" The hat shouted and I left the stool in utter shock.

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