Chapter One: Karaoke Girl!

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A/N: If you haven't listened to the music by EnV, I definitely recommend it for sure. It's amazingly fun, and it was also in The Impossible Game. Aka, the most frustrating game known to humankind. <3

The club pulsed, as Yamada, Aizawa, and Kayama slammed their shot glasses on the bar. The dance floor was littered with sweaty clubgoers, dancing to the beat of the song playing as the base almost shook the whole building. Yamada let a soft sigh slip from his lips, enjoying the tingling burn slide down his throat. It was the day before the three Pro Heroes would be returning to UA High, and for once, he didn't have to be the DJ, so he was looking forward to relaxing a little. Of course, there was never a moment that a Pro could truly relax, but he was going to take what he could get.

The song ended, and the DJ announced over the speakers, "Alright, party people! Are you having a good time tonight?! We're just about to start our annual Karaoke night, so hold onto your pants, and get ready to party! First up, we have a pretty little thing, who goes by the name of Songbird!" The crowd cheered, as a girl with (H/L), (F/C/H) hair stepped up on the stage. People started whistling, as she gripped the mic in her dainty, (S/T) hand.

Kayama grinned, elbowing Yamada and Aizawa before turning to the stage to watch her friend perform. "This girl is really good," she stated, prompting the two men to turn with her. She smiled and waved at Songbird, who tentatively smiled back and threw up a peace sign as her song started to play.

"I know that I'm running out of time

(I want it all, mmm, mmm)

And I'm wishing they'd stop tryna turn me off

I want it all, mmm, mmm"

Yamada perked up, staring at the mysterious woman on stage. Her voice sounded like honey to his ears. He blinked a couple times, asking Kayama, "Nemuri, do you know this girl?" The woman smirked at him and shrugged.

"And I'm walking on a wire, trying to go higher

Feels like I'm surrounded by clowns and liars

Even when I get it all the way

(I want it all, mmm, mmm)

We can get 'em running, running, running

We can get 'em running, running, running

Just like fire, burning out the way

If I can light the world up for just one day

Watch this madness, colorful charade

No one can be just like me any way

Just like magic, I'll be flying free

I'mma disappear when they come for me

I kick that ceiling, what you gonna say?

No one can be just like me any way

Just like fire, uh"

He pressed on, insistently, "Well, do ya? She's incredible!" Nemuri shrugged again, before ordering another drink and replying with a soft, "Maybe I do, maybe I don't." Her answer frustrated him, and he mumbled incoherently to himself as he returned his attention to the stage.

"And people like to laugh at you cause they are all the same, mmm

See I would rather we just go our different way than play the game, mmm

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