Chapter 8: All bad things must come to an end.

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The pair made their way down the hall the villains had appeared out of, abandoning their stealth tactics. Numerous other villains tried to thwart their course, but they beat them back together, with ease. (Y/N) felt like things were going easily. Too easily...

Once they reached the main conference room, (Y/N) activated her quirk again. "I'm sure he's in there. I wouldn't put it past that overblown ego of his," she said, her eyes narrowing at the door. Hizashi nodded in compliance, moving closer to open the door and asking, "On the count of three?" (Y/N) nodded back and confirmed, "On the count of three."

"Before that, " Hizashi said, looking towards her and reaching out for her to come closer, "Come here for a second." (Y/N) smiled, moving towards him and placing her hand in his. He pulled her forward by the hand and crashed his lips onto hers. She responded in earnest, feeling his mustache tickling her lip and running her fingers through his soft tresses. After a moment, they separated, panting lightly. "Just in case anything should happen," Hizashi said quietly, an embarrassed smile taking over his features. 

(Y/N) giggled girlishly. "God, I love you so much," she said, pecking his cheek before realizing what she said. A heavy blush coated her features as her eyes widened. "I mean.. Ah... Hizashi, I-" Her words were cut off by his lips once again, one of his hands threading through her (F/C) hair while the other wrapped around her waist. The kiss escalated passionately as (Y/N) gripped Hizashi's jacket tightly in her fingers, a soft moan escaping her lips. If she wasn't embarrassed before, she certainly was now. Once they separated, Hizashi rested his forehead against hers and replied, "I know we just got together, (Y/N), but I love you too. So damn much." 

After calming down, they positioned themselves outside the doors, one of their hands on each handle. (Y/N) looked up at Hizashi and nodded a little bit, and he started to count...

"One," Hizashi trailed off quietly. Stealth wasn't generally his specialty, but for this, for her, he was capable of just about anything. He took a deep breath, continuing on and hoping they made it out alive. He didn't reflected on the fool he had been not to see her for who she was for the entire time they had known each other. She was what he had been looking for, all this time. He had been too blind to see it. He knew his feelings were growing too quickly, but he also knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the woman in front of him.


(Y/N) kept her breathing even, her face completely blank. She wasn't sure what they were walking into, which was a first. Usually, she had information on the situations she went up against, but this... This was new. A jolt of excitement coursed through her being, and her (S/T) lips tilted up ever so slightly in a smirk. She had a feeling that they were going to make it out alive. Their life together was just staring, after all. She breathed in deeply, readying her taser pistol that her support had made for just such an occasion. 


Hizashi wrenched the door to the conference room open, both heroes jumping into the room. (Y/N) surveyed the room, her pistol pointed in front of her. 'That bastard has to be somewhere,' she thought to herself, looking towards the end of the room.

"(Y/N), look out," Hizashi yelled, catching her attention as a shadow above her started to grow. She scoffed, moving out of the way before whatever had made the shadow hit the ground. It was him. Burado Kuresuto. The man, who had single-handedly slaughtered all of her comrades. Her friends. Her patchwork family. The one person she had once aspired to be like. The one who had treated her like his daughter, when he knew she had become estranged from hers for her decision to become a special ops agent instead of a full time pro.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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