Chapter Three: Chapter three: An accidental revelation?!

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A/N: Hey, you guys. I just wanted to take a moment to say that this chapter really means worlds to me. It's based around a moment in my life, where I felt like my whole world was coming apart at the seams. When I was little, my cousins and I were all very close, especially one in particular. He was my best friend, he used to help me when I was getting picked on. He was literally my hero, when I was growing up. More than anything else, he was truly more like my big brother than my cousin.

When I was in my sophomore year of High School, he got into a motorcycle accident, and he didn't make it. It really hurt, and even now, I still cry thinking about how much I wish he was still here. I guess I just wanted to tribute him in some way, shape or form.

I've scaled the ages back, to fit with my fic. Thank you for reading. It means a lot. Sorry if it's angsty.

It was now midweek, and Y/N had settled onto the roof of the school to enjoy the nice weather. She had snuck an acoustic guitar up with her, tuning it. The guitar felt so comfortable in her somewhat skilled hands. She was no Jimi Hendrix, but she knew a thing or two.

After tuning it, she began to play to herself, remembering her past, and the day her quirk manifested...

'Hahaha, Tama put me down,' a very young Y/N squealed happily as her cousin swung her around from his shoulders. 'Not a chance, squirt,' he said back, swinging her around faster.

"Another day, another sin

Another day I'm late again

Oh, just like that my money's spent

Where did it all go?"

'Who do you think you are, picking on Y/N like that,' Tama seethed, clenching his jaw at the kids who had thought it was okay to terrorize the young girl. He knew he couldn't do much, considering he was older than they were. 'You'd better leave her alone, or I'll do the same thing to your parents,' he snarled. Y/N watched on, sniffling and trying desperately to get the gum that they had stuck in her hair out.

"Another night, another heart

Another one leaves in the dark

And I'm searching for my counterpart

Where did it all go?

And I lock every single door

And I look behind me even more

Now turned into someone that I swore I would never be"

She took a deep breath, before continuing, not knowing that she was being listened to on the other side of the door leading to the roof by a usually boisterous Pro Hero.

"I wish I could go back to playing barbies in my room

They never say that you gotta grow up, quite this soon

How fast things change, and now I'm here

And all I wanna do

Is go back to playing barbies in my room

I see it on my father's face

Another line that comes with age

I know that time will have its way

Where did it all go?"

'Hey squirt, I gotta tell you something,' Tama said, looking down at his younger cousin with a soft smile. She looked up at him inquisitively, tilting her head. 'I'm gonna be a dad.' He thumbed at himself proudly, and she grinned, jumping at her cousin in excitement. 'That's great, Tama! Now, I get to swing them around and stuff, like you do to me!'

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