Chapter 5: The truth comes out

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Y/N hurriedly put on her wig and contacts, throwing together an outfit in the process. She decided to ignore Nemu's text about wearing something tight, instead opting for some comfortable ankle boots, some denim skinny jeans, and a black tshirt that had a cartoon zombie alpaca, the word 'GRAINSSS' scrawled out underneath it. ( A/N: I actually have a shirt like this, from Tasty Peach Studios. I highly recommend their site, as their clothes, plushies, and accessories are all suuuuuper duper cute!)

She did her makeup up nicely, using shades that complimented her contacts and wig, and her favorite lip gloss shade. She smiled a little at herself before texting that she was on her way. Thankfully, the place that her coworkers had picked was only about a five minute walk from her apartment, so she didn't have to drive.

Walking up to the establishment, she spotted her friends quickly and waved to them. Nemu had her hair pulled back and was wearing a little black dress, Aizawa was in his usual clothing; no surprise there, and Hizashi had work some black, ripped jeans, a burgundy button up with a tank top underneath it, and some sneakers. Her gaze lingered on him, before Nemu had spotted her.

She took one look at Y/N's outfit and huffed, "Man, no fair. I told you to wear something tight." Y/N just shrugged, having had her fill with tight clothing for one day. Hizashi looked at her shirt, and instantly started laughing. "Ah, I get it, Y/N," he said between laughs, "It's because it's an alpaca zombie!"

Y/N smiled a little, looking at Nemu and stating, "Well, at least someone gets my humor." Aizawa remained silent, annoyed that he was even dragged out for the night. Y/N waved to him, smiling a little. He returned the gesture, and they all headed inside.

Several drinks, and a lot of somewhat childish banter later, Y/N was cracking up. "And I just thought to myself 'Man, if that kid doesn't get his temper under control, he's gonna upset the wrong person one day!' And he DID! Hah, that guy was always so annoying," she snorted, reminiscing about her high school days. Nemu cracked up, slapping Y/N's back in agreement.

Aizawa was nursing a drink to himself, halfheartedly listening to the whole conversation. Hizashi, however, still had his mind on the hair he had found on his jacket, earlier that day, and was therefore uncharacteristically silent. He had a good buzz going, which hindered his train of thought. 'How did one of her hairs get on me,' he questioned to himself, 'And why does Y/N look so much like her when she lets loose?'

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Y/N rested her hand on top of his and asked, "Hey, are you alright? You're really quiet, Hizashi." He looked up, noticing all eyes on him. He coughed for a second and made an excuse to run to the bathroom. Aizawa looked at Y/N and Nemu and said flatly, "I'll go see if he's alright." He got up, following Hizashi to the bathroom.

Once he got in there, he saw a very confused looking Hizashi leaning over the sink and telling himself to get it together. "Everything alright," he asked, raising an eyebrow with a pretty unimpressed expression. "Ah, yeah, I just uh," Hizashi rambled a little bit, "I found one of Songbird's hairs on my jacket, today. I haven't seen her since the weekend, and I'm really confused. I found it after I found Y/N on the roof." Aizawa furrowed his eyebrows a little, the gears in his mind starting to work around the ways her hair had gotten there.

"I've been thinking about it all day," Hizashi admitted, running his hands through his hair. "I'm sure there has to be some kind of explanation," Aizawa replied coolly, "Anyways, I wouldn't bring her up, tonight. Not considering Y/N is here with us." Hizashi turned his gaze to his friend, the confusion deepening in his face. "What do you mean?"

Aizawa rolled his eyes, bluntly saying, "You would honestly have to be a top tier idiot to not notice the way that girl looks at you. Then again, you've always been somewhat oblivious." He knew it was the alcohol talking, since he would never be able to say it out loud, but he pressed on, "You could hear her out, or crush her feelings entirely with your constant babbling on about this girl you met just once."

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