Chapter One

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The first time Y/N saw him she'd only been in New Orleans about a month.

She was bartending at Rousseau's. Certainly not a dream job, but a job...and she'd take what she could get.

He stepped into the bar, and while it wasn't unusual for people to swing by after their 9-5 shifts in their work attire, his impeccable suit left her feeling sure he was lost. The confidence in his step as he strolled up to the bar said he was anything but.

As he approached her with a charming smile, she noticed his eyes. She wasn't normally one for brown eyes, preferring to get lost in ocean blue, but his were warm like a summer storm. His unwavering gaze brought a warmth over her cheeks.

"Good evening," his voice was accented, refined, and deep. "I'm looking for Camille, perhaps you could be of assistance."

She busied herself quickly with drying a whisky glass. "Uhh, yea," she stumbled awkwardly. He smiled softly at her and she blushed harder, embarrassed at being taken with a stranger so quickly. She shook her head at herself and shouted for Cami as she rushed away. His presence intimidated her and made her nervous, leaving her anxious to disappear.

Cami came from the back. Y/N didn't know her manager too well, but she liked her enough. Cami was the closest thing she had to a friend in this city so far. She was smart, funny and gorgeous - it was no wonder the handsome stranger came calling for her.

Y/N watched them chat from the other side of the bar, trying to tear her gaze from the man, but unable to look away for long. After a few moments Cami stormed away, clearly frustrated, and she wondered what he had said to upset her. He watched her go for a moment before pulling out his phone and sending a text. Maybe it was another woman. A man like that probably had plenty to choose from.

He turned to leave, catching her gaze once more. He smiled softly and left briskly. She watched longingly as he disappeared.

"Don't bother, Y/N." Cami said, causing her to startle.

"Who was that?" She asked despite the warning.

"Elijah Mikaelson. Tall, dark, handsome, and a whole lot of baggage."

Y/N smirked. "I know all about baggage."

Cami sighed. "Don't we all."

"And despite the baggage he's got you totally hooked, huh?" Y/N chuckled.

She smiled at that, rolling her eyes. "Me and Elijah? God no. I mean...yea, he's good looking and all..."

Y/N nodded. "That's an understatement. So what's the deal with you two then? You seemed upset with him," it wasn't like her to push, but curiosity got the best of her.

Cami huffed and tossed her bar rag down. "His brother, Klaus, is sort of in a situation and he asked me for help."

"Ahh, now it all makes sense. You're not hooked on Elijah cause you're hooked on his brother," Y/N teased.

She picked up the rag and threw it at her new friend. "I am not hooked on his brother!"

Y/N laughed and threw the rag back.

"I'm sort of hooked...I don't know. Klaus, he's complicated. I know he's no good for me, but I can't seem to shake him, you know?"

Y/N smiled sadly. She did know. She also knew that only ever lead to heartbreak, something she learned the hard way on more than one occasion. "They're the worst," she sighed. "And also the best..."

Cami laughed. "Look, take it from me, the Mikaelson's are bad news, just stay away from them. As pretty as Elijah is, he and his family will bring you a world of trouble."

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