Chapter Three

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It had been days, but despite Freya's best efforts, they gained no new information regarding the weapon.

While Davina had said she'd help in exchange for Kol's ashes, she had come up with nothing.

"Have you ever thought maybe your brother is delusional?" Davina questioned as she continued to flip through a grimoire in search of anything that may help get her boyfriend back.

Elijah shut the book in front of her so she was forced to look up. "While I'm sure he is, I believe he's onto something in this case."

She sighed heavily. "I've heard nothing. I have asked around for weeks, and nothing. If any of the covens are up to something, they haven't told me. Probably because I'm seen as a vampire sympathizer."

"Or perhaps you're efforts have been spent elsewhere," he said, looking around him. "May I remind you I gave you my brothers ashes in exchange for information."

She glared. "Look Elijah, I've asked everyone. The only thing I've heard is some of the witches have been seen with one of Marcel's guys. He hangs out at The Cellar, maybe start there?"

He nodded curtly and left.


Y/N threw her head back as she downed a third shot. She had spent the week in turmoil over her evening with Elijah, and decided she needed a night out. Maybe another shot would help her forget his disappearing act. If nothing else, maybe it would make her forget why she cared so much.

"Come on," Ben said grabbing her hand and pulling her from her thoughts.

She let herself be dragged by him. "Where are we going?"

He lead her into the center of the dance floor and stopped, placing his hands on her hips. He leaned in close so she'd hear him over the music. "Dance with me."

She was about to object when she noticed Elijah walk through the door. She froze, and her lack of response was all Ben needed. He began to spin her, and when she found her footing again, she looked back at the entrance. Elijah was gone.

Well good riddance, she thought. She was mortified that she shared so much so quickly, and it had clearly scared him away. It had been a week since she'd seen him, and she had no interest in pursuing someone who could so easily write her off.

She let the music soak into her bones, loosening up her tense muscles. She wasn't typically one for clubs and dancing, but a few drinks and a stressful week seemed to be the perfect combination to make her want to cut loose. She threw her arms up and moved to the music, her Y/H/C hair swinging wild and free.

It was that vision that Elijah saw. He stopped dead in his tracks and took in her movement, completely enamored with her.

"I don't know who she is, but the look on your face says you do," a familiar voice said beside him.

Elijah straightened himself, placing one hand in his pocket. "Marcellus," he acknowledged.

"You know my rules, Elijah. Midnight and your mystery girl is fair game."

Elijah turned, narrowing his eyes at his old friend. "If any of your men lay a hand on her, I can assure you it will be the last thing they do," he said calmly.

Marcel grinned. "What can I do for you, Elijah?"

"I've received word that one of your men may be conspiring against my family with the witches," he said.

Marcel shook his head. "My guys are smarter than that."

"For your sake, I hope so."

"Look, I've got eyes and ears all over this city, I'll put some feelers out and let you know what I find."

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