Imagine 7

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Imagine being on a date with Kol who found you beautiful

You be living in Mystic Falls since the day you was born

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You be living in Mystic Falls since the day you was born. Elena was your half sister that you never knew until John Gilbert told you. You never met your other side of your dad family because your mother never told you until now.

"Your tell me I'm related to  Elena and Jeremy Gilbert" You ask angry toward your mother

"Yes Elena is your half sister and Jeremy is your cousin" Your mother reply tell to calm you down

"How could you lie to me about them I be close to them for years" You yell

"Baby girl I so sorry-"

"Don't" You reply and leave the house slowly crying when tall good-looking guy bump into you "Watch it" You say until you look how handsome he is.

"Sorry darling  are you alright" He ask

"Yes, um no, I don't know" You awkward reply

"How about this you go on a date with me you can tell me what happened" He reply giving you a smile.

"I don't even know your name" You say

"Kol Mikaelson" Kol announced his name to you

"Y/N Y/L/N " You give him your name

"So how about that date then Y/N" Kol ask with a smile on his face

"Why not" You reply

Mid while that day

You and Kol step in Mystic Grill when Matt Donovan give you a worry look but you didn't pay attention to him.

"So tell me why was you crying early" Kol ask take the pool stick.

"I be lie to by my own mother she kept a secret from me years and I just find out the  people I close to we related" You reply hit the 3 ball

"Who are you related to" Kol ask ready think your beautiful girl in the room.

"My real father is John Gilbert, Elena Gilbert is my half sister, and Jeremy is my cousin" You reply when Kol stop what he was doing

"We need to leave now" Kol say

"Um why" You ask confused

"I tell you when it safe" Kol reply take your hand to somewhere to empty house.

"Tell me why you being me here in a empty house" You ask

"Promise me you don't flip out" Kol say giving you the worry look.

"Fine now tell me"

"I'm a vampire original vampire and your father is vampire hunter , your half sister is dating a vampire" Kol told you everything as you busted up laughing.

"Vampire ain't real" You reply until Kol show you his real mask you was in shock but can't believe it actually real "That in possible how"

"My mother was a witch thousands of years ago who cast me and my siblings vampire that why we call the original vampire we the first vampire in history make" Kol explain more

"Why did we leave Mystic Grill for" You ask

"Matt Donovan call your half sister about us be there" Kol say

You was walk in circles for 10 min until "Why they hate you"

"Because I am vampire killer" Kol reply

"Don't make sense you say Elena is dating a vampire then why they don't have no hate on him" You confused

"Because he a good kind of vampire and I just horrible vampire" Kol say

"Then why have you not kill me yet" You ask

Kol smile "Because your beautiful"

You laugh "Right vampire killer have feelings"

"Depends on who it is" Kol reply giving you box

"What this" You ask

"Open it" Kol reply as you open find a beautiful bracelet "I what you to wear it for me and other vampire to not compel you to forget it got vervain that are big  weakness"

"If that what your weakness is then why bought me a bracelet with vervain" You ask putting on the bracelet

"Because I don't what you forget about me" Kol reply give you a kiss and pull away leave you alone confused and smile on your face.

Kol Mikaelson Imagine (38-100)Where stories live. Discover now