Imagine 33

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Imagine dating a bad boy

You be dating Kol for two years and didn't know how much bad boy he been doing

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You be dating Kol for two years and didn't know how much bad boy he been doing.

You got a call from the detective who be keep a eye on Kol.

"Hello" You answer your cell

"Miss Y/L/N, I call you to inform you that Kol Mikaelson got arrested for drug dealer I think you should know" Detective reply

"Thank detective for informing me" as you hang up

"Shit Kol what the hell you got yourself in to" You mumble to yourself

You look for the key on the kitchen counter and head off the door to get in your car to the police station.

"Bex call me back soon your idiot brother got arrested for drug dealer I head to the police station right now" as you leave a message on Bex cell.

While you pull up to the police station you think right now why are you in this mess until you realize your in love with hot sexy bad boy Kol Mikaelson.

Bex call you back " For real he idiot for get arrested for that. So are you at the police station right now"

"Yeah Bex I just pull up about to go in" you replied

"If I was you I give Kol hell for getting arrested"

"I think about it" You replied "But hey I let you go are you going be here"

"Yeah soon so I give him hell "

"Okay lov I let you go" You say hang up

As soon you enter the building you find the detective who arrested Kol
"Miss Y/L/N you should not be here I call for realized so you know who he really is a bad guy"

"I need to see him please detective" You ask as he nodded to take you to his cell.

Kol was wear his black leather jacket with grey jeans pants his hands on his face.

"Got 5 min to talk to him" Detective say as he left while Kol head pop up and saw you.

"Y/N what you doing here " Kol ask

"Why answer me why you drug dealer Kol " You ask him

"You don't understand Y/N you was not supposed to know about it" Kol replied

"Do you even love me Kol" You ask him that as he eyes look like he about to cry

"Of course I do your my world" Kol answer

"Then why will you being doing that kinda of stuff" You ask before you can get a reply back Detective come in

"Time up"

You nodded before you leave you hear Kol " I did it for you"

That all you hear these words playing in your head for the past couple weeks.

It be six weeks since the last time you saw him.

You don't know what to think about it your was still angry at him for lying to you being a drug dealer and what say he did it for you.

You be wake up every morning throw up sick you don't know what it is then it hit you. You didn't start your period yet.

"No no no I can't be" You pacing back and forth as you decide call Bex

"Bex I got be problem"

"What it is hon" Bex ask through the phone

"I think I'm pregnant" you replied

"Shut the front door no way"Bex kinda feel happy through the phone

"I need your help can you buy me a pregnancy test" You ask

"Yes I be there in 20 min top" Bex say hang up

The next 20 min Bex show up with a bag with a pregnancy test in her hand.

"Go take this test now " Bex handed you the pregnancy test.

As you took it you wait until it was done as there it was two line tell you your pregnant.

"Fuck me" all you can say

"Sorry to hear that but when the last time you talk to Kol" Bex ask

"Since he got arrested" You replied

"You should tell him" Bex say

"He in jail I think it the best he doesn't know" You replied

Bex understand and keep it to herself.

Month later

You was still working at the restaurant that have a bar in it. It was your time to lock up until a door open.

"We close" You announced whoever walk in but no reply " I say we close-Kol" When you turn around and see him stand in front of you.

"Hello lov no time no see " Kol say smile

"What the hell you doing here" You ask confused

"I make a deal with the law if turn in my boss because I did it for you" Kol reply he walk to you back you pull back

"What the supposed to mean you did it for me" You ask

Kol took a deep breath "For the last two years I be trying to get out of this mess but my boss I was working for told me if I get out of this mess he will kill you so I agree to the terms and continue working for him I did it all for you to keep you alive"

You knew he was a bad boy from the beginning but didn't know he was trying get out because of you "Are you tell me you actually care about me"

"Yes Y/N I told you your my world I do everything for you" Kol starting to walk towards you. Your think about step back from him but realized you can hurt your self and the baby.

You started to cry because your hormones kick in "Lov what wrong" Kol ask giving you a worry look.

"It nothing you should just leave now " You replied 

"Y/N what wrong please tell me do you still love me" Kol ask

"Yes Kol but I -" You stop what you say and continue" but I don't know every more you lie to me for the past two years how can I trust you again"

Kol about to say something until he noticed your hand was on your stomach and how big your stomach getting "Is there something you haven't not been tell me"

"I'm pregnant"You finally say it

"I'm going be a father"  Kol was relieved to hear that news


He realized you also kept a secret from him but again he knows he understands "Please take me back I promise you I will never lie to you ever again and be the best father to our soon be baby"

You about to say no but you miss him so much as you can't say no to this handsome face "Promise"

"I'm promise to you I never hurt you again by lie to you your my world" Kol smile as you can't help but smile back as it was the sign of him walk over to you giving you a kiss of passion.

"I miss this and you" You pull away giving a hint of your love to him

"I miss you too " Kol reply around his hands around your waist "I love you"

"I love you too Kol " You replied as you and Kol long happy endings

Kol Mikaelson Imagine (38-100)Where stories live. Discover now