Chapter One

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"I'm not going." I said, crossing my arms. "And you can't make me. I'm staying here."

My Uncle, Igor Karkaroff sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I've already had you enrolled at Hogwarts, Nyx, and there's nothing that's going to change it. You're going whether you like it or not."

I threw my hands in the air. "Why can't I stay here? I've been here for three and a half years already! There wasn't a problem before, so why is there one now?"

"Nyx," My Uncle mumbled through his hands, "Please stop yelling."

I snapped. "All of a sudden I'm being transferred to Hogwarts! Stop yelling? You've never mentioned anything to me before now! I've been here since I was 11! You're making me leave everything, everyone I've ever known! I don't understand why! Do you not want me here anymore? Are you sick of the sight of me because I look like my mother now?!"

"This has nothing to do with my sister." He grumbled

"So then what is it?! Why are you making me leave?!" I screamed.

Uncle Igor stood and slammed his hands on his desk. "It's because you're not a child anymore, Nyx! Durmstrang is strictly an all-boys school. We could get away with you being here for the first few years, but now you're a young woman! Why do you think Ivan stopped talking to you for a while. Because they are all realizing you're not just one of the guys anymore. They're maturing and have realized that you're now a beautiful, young woman. They can't just ignore that fact anymore. You shouldn't either! And I can't very well send you to Beauxbatons! You'll be expelled within the first week! You're nowhere close to being their standards of a young woman! You've grown up with only boys your whole life! So I'm sending you to Hogwarts!"

I sighed and gave in. "Fine. I'll go to Hogwarts." When Uncle Igor sighed in relief, I drew myself upright and my dress rustled slightly. "Although I may not fit Beauxbatons standards, I am still the dignified, young woman you raised me to be."

Smiling wryly, Uncle Igor stepped around and his desk and walked towards me, cupping my cheek. "And you always will be, Nyx. I will miss you much more than you realize and I hate to send you away. Unfortunately though, I am the Headmaster here and I must act as such every once in a while. Besides," He let his hands drop to mine. "Hogwarts has produced many fine witches. I have no doubt that you will be among the best of them."

I smiled thinly and squeezed his hands. "When do I leave?"

His smile faded slightly and he looked at me sadly. "Three days from now. Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts, is sending one of their professors to come and get you. As it is an unusual situation, a student transferring schools in their sixth year, there are certain things that need to be taken care of before school starts. I've already had all of the things you'll need sent to them. All you need to do now is pack your things. The other students will be arriving at Hogwarts in five days so you'll have about two days to settle in and familiarize yourself with the school before the other students get there."

I nodded my head and smiled. "I'll go ahead and start packing."

Uncle Igor let go of my hands. "I'll see you later, Nyx."

After leaving my Uncle's office, I walked slowly down the hallways of Durmstrang. The vast, sprawling grounds and gorgeous castle had been my home since my parents had passed away when I was seven. I paused as I neared the end of one of the many battlements. I could see the dark, giant ship moored in the mountain lake. The wind snatched at the red silk of my dress making it billow out behind me. The wind was cool against my face. No matter what good things may happen at Hogwarts, this would always be my home and I would miss it terribly. I sighed and leaned against the wall. The sun was beginning to sent, turning the lake a coppery orange.

"Beautiful." Came a familiar voice behind me.

I barely turned my head. "It is, isn't. I'll miss it when I'm gone."

Viktor leaned against the wall next to me. "I wasn't talking about the view." He said quietly. "I just saw the Headmaster. He told me you'll be leaving for Hogwarts in three days. I will be sad to see you leave."

"I'll be sad to leave." I murmured.

He pushed a strand of hair away from my face and turned my chin towards him. "You'll be fine, Nyx. The Headmaster wouldn't send his only niece away unless it was for a good reason."

I smiled up at him. "He said it's because I'm not a child anymore and everyone is starting to notice that."

Viktor smiled back at me. "Well, he's not wrong."

"What do you mean?" I turned away from him and looked out over the wall again.

"I mean," He sighed. "It's difficult for us to see you as just a schoolmate anymore, Nyx. It's almost impossible for some. You went from being a rebellious child to a gorgeous, strong, and dignified young woman seemingly overnight. It would have been easy to ignore if you were just an average witch, but you're not. You're the top student here, and as frustrating as it is, it's difficult to hate you for it. You're the only girl in a school full of guys, and despite all the disadvantages you faced, you won the hearts of everyone here and worked your way to the top. You never once depended on being the Headmaster's niece to get what you wanted. You always worked for it. Because of that, you stand out more than the average witch."

"I never intended to stand out and I never wanted to. I just wanted to be the best I could." I said. "A lot of students were sent to different school when my Uncle became the Headmaster because he's an ex-Death Eater. It never bothered me once to know he once followed Voldemort." Viktor flinched when I said Voldemort and I ignored it as I always did. "He was my Uncle and that's all that really mattered to me. I worked hard because I wanted to show everyone that Uncle isn't a bad person and he never was. I wanted to prove them all wrong when they said that I wouldn't amount to anything because of him. So I worked my hardest and became the best at everything I could. I became the strongest student at Durmstrang."

Someone started laughing behind us. "Well it had the opposite effect. The guys are in love with you and their parents are terrified!"

Viktor rolled his eyes and I glanced wearily at Ivan. "Your jokes are made in poor taste.

Ivan shrugged and nudged Viktor with his shoulder. "The weak are always scared when they meet someone stronger than them."

I sighed. "This is stupid. I'm sure there are some witches and wizards who are just as strong and smart as I am at Hogwarts."

Viktor and Ivan glanced at each other with knowing looks and then back at me. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." They said in unison.

I glared at them. "You know something I don't. Spit it out."

Ivan shifted around uncomfortably. "I don't think Hogwarts teaches magic the same way we do. Especially when it comes to duelling. It seems they have a class called Defense Against the Dark Arts. Although they do teach offensive spells, they focus on lots of defensive spells. Duelling is a game to them, and although most students are able to duel well, they aren't as adept at it as we are."

Viktor shrugged. "That's just what we were told at least. I'm sure they're competent in martial magic, but they're taught in a different way than we are."

"I'm sure." Was all I said. I sighed and pushed away from the balcony. "I'll see you two tomorrow. I'm going to go and start packing my things."

"We can help if you need us." Ivan offered.

Viktor raised an eyebrow and I shook my head. "No. I've got it. I don't need you rifling through my personal things anymore than you normally do. My uncle already sent all the things I need for school to Hogwarts." I said goodbye and headed towards my room to begin packing.

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