Chapter Five

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When I opened my eyes, I was standing in the middle of a large circular room. I looked around in wonder. The room was filled with a vast numbers of portraits, whose occupants were currently sleeping. Many small tables were covered in intricate little devices. Some of them clicked or made other curious noises. A small noise drew my attention to another corner of the room where a bird, roughly the size of a swan, sat perched up high on a bookshelf. It's crimson and gold feather's glowed faintly and it's beak and claws looked as if they were made of pure gold. It's black eyes fixated on me and it glided down from its perch to rest on my shoulder. I reached up and put my hand next to its golden beak before gently petting it's head. It's tail feathers tickled my back and were warm to the touch.

"How curious." I looked up and saw an old wizard. He was tall, thin, and quite old judging by the silver in his long hair and beard. He was wearing long robes, and a purple cloak. Bright, blue eyes glinted mischievously behind half moon spectacles that sat on his crooked nose.

The bird ruffled its feathers and flew back up to its perch. "How curious." The old man said again staring at me.

I shifted uncomfortably and my hand brushed against Snape's. I had nearly forgotten he was there and glanced up at him. He stared down at me with indifference. I looked back at the old man. "What's curious?" I asked.

He folded his hands together and looked up at the bird. "It's just that I've never seen Fawkes react that way to someone after meeting them for the first time. Phoenix's are such curious creatures, don't you agree?"

I looked up at the phoenix, who was watching me. "Yes. I suppose they are."

"Ah. Forgive me. I am Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts." He said with a smile.

I bowed politely. "Nyx Phoenix, Headmaster. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. My Uncle has told me many great things about yourself and Hogwarts. Thank you for taking me in under such unusual circumstances."

Dumbledore stared at me curiously. "Of course. Now. First things first." He walked over to one of the many shelves that lined his office and picked up a strange looking hat. "This is the Sorting Hat. Take a seat over here and we'll see what House you'll be in."

I sat down in the chair he gestured too and looked at the hat warily. How's a hat supposed to sort me into one of their Houses? Suddenly, the hat shook itself and a face made of the folds in the hat appeared.

"Ah." It said in an old raspy voice. "I've never sorted a child this old before." Dumbledore placed the hat gently on my head. "Hmm. You're a curious one aren't you? I've done this job for centuries, child. On every student's head I've sat. Of your thoughts I'll take inventory, for I am the famous Sorting Hat. I've sorted high, I've sorted low. I've done the job through thick and thin. You've put me on, so know you'll know, which House you should be in."

I closed my eyes. The thought of a hat deciding which house I was in seemed ludicrous. It takes inventory of someone's thoughts? This is ridiculous. Just what kind of school did Uncle send me to? I sighed. It doesn't matter what House it puts me in as long as I'm not surrounded by cowards.

"You're doubtful I see, but a good head on your shoulders." The hat said. "You don't care what House you're put into as long as ... Ah. Not Hufflepuff for you, my dear."

I opened my eyes and looked at the brim of the Sorting Hat. Merlin forbid, the thing can read my thoughts.

"Not your thoughts, your soul." The Sorting Hat responded nonchalant. "Hmm. Although you're smart, I think Ravenclaw is not for you. That leaves Slytherin and Gryffindor." It was silent for a while and I could feel the hat shifting slightly on my head. "There's a darkness in you, but also greatness. A yearning to be the best and a cunning mind. Slytherin would suit you very well."

Dumbledore stepped forward to take the Sorting Hat from my head, but before he touched it he paused.

"Hmmm." The Sorting Hat continued, surprising me. "There is also bravery and courage in your heart. A longing to be good despite your dark past. Gryffindor might suit you better. Which one should the Child of Night and Fire be placed in?"

Snape's eyes fixated on mine when the Sorting Hat said Child of Night and FIre. I stared at him curiously, waiting for the hat to make up its mind.

Finally, the Sorting Hat quivered. "Gryffindor!" It said loudly.

Snape's eyes narrowed as Dumbledore took the Sorting Hat off my head and placed it back on the shelf. The Sorting Hat was quiet and didn't speak again.

Dumbledore clapped his hands. "Well, I suppose that's that then. We'll have Professor McGonagall discuss everything to do with your life in Gryffindor later on when she has more time. Severus, if you would show Ms. Phoenix-"

"Wait!" I stood up quickly. "What did that thing mean when he said 'Child of Night and Fire? What does that mean?"

The Headmaster looked at me curiously and shrugged. "No idea. It says some strange things every once in a while. Now Severus, please show Ms. Phoenix to the Gryffindor Tower. I'm sure Minerva won't have a problem with her staying in the room at the top of the Girl's Dormitory."

Snape sighed. "Headmaster. I am the Head of the Slytherin House. I doubt it would be appropriate -"

"Nonsense!" Dumbledore waved his hand in the air as if dismissing us. "It's fine. Now. I've got some work to do." He spun on his heel and disappeared behind a stack of books.

Snape sighed. "Come with me."

I picked up my bag and followed him down a long spiraling staircase I hadn't noticed before. When we reached the bottom I turned and saw the statue of a gargoyle moving to cover the entrance.

"There are many hidden passages, and rooms in this castle. Most, like the Headmaster's office, need passwords to open." Snape had kept walking and I hurried to catch up with him, lifting my dress slightly so I wouldn't trip. 

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