Chapter Eight

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 A firm, persistent knocking woke me up in the morning, and I opened my eyes and sat up with a groan. I pulled on a red silk robe and opened the door.

A tall, stern-looking, older woman greeted me. "Good morning, Miss Phoenix. I am Professor McGonagall, Head of Gryffindor House. I am also the Transfiguration teach and Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts."

I bowed. "Good morning, Professor." I said quietly. McGonagall had her hair pulled back in a tight bun and wore black and red robes. It seemed as if the stern look was permanently etched into her face, but there was a kindness in her eyes as well.

"Hm." She gave me a once over. "Dumbledore did say you were extremely well-mannered and talented. He also mentioned you had a habit of bowing constantly. No doubt a result of your time at Durmstrang. That won't be necessary here." I stepped aside and she walked into my room, looking around. "I see you've seen fit to tailor the room to your taste. It's quite interesting. Did you do all of this yourself?"

I nodded. "Yes. I did it yesterday after I arrived. None of it is permanent. Simple spells and enchantments. I transfigured a few things." I pointed at the white lounge chair. "That used to be the dresser."

"Simple? Most of the students your age would be struggling with most of the spells and enchantments you've used in here; particularly the spell on the ceiling." She looked up. The ceiling, which had reflected the night sky last night, now showed fluffy white clouds moving around lazily against a blue sky.. "Are all the students at Durmstrang so well versed in magic?"

I shook my head warily. My Uncle had reminded me that I mustn't say too much regarding the school. "Not all. I took private lessons from my teachers. It's not easy being the only girl in a school full of boys." I replied.

McGonagall seemed to notice my hesitation and nodded. "I see. Well, I won't ask you anymore about your old school. You're here now." She looked me over again. "Once you've had breakfast, get dressed and meet me in my office. We'll need to work out your schedule. Professor Snape told me that you have a love of potions and you're quite good at it as well. I'll have him assess your abilities and decide which class you'll be in once I've tested the rest of your abilities. Here's a map with directions to my office. I'll see you shortly." She spun on her heel and left, the door closing smartly behind her.

I sighed and plopped down on the lounge chair. My head still felt slightly fuzzy from the wine last night. I turned to look at my desk right as a few platters of food appeared. I stood and walked over curiously to examine the dishes. There was a bowl of gray porridge, a plate of scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon. A glass of orange juice and a plate of rolls sat in the center of the table. Grimacing at the greasy, bland food, I took a few sips of the orange juice and ignored the rest.

After a quick shower, I dried my hair with a little spell and stared at my closet. Most of my clothes were dresses fashioned to resemble the Durmstrang uniform, black denim jeans, and tight fitting shirts. Ignoring the Hogwarts robes in the corner, I grabbed one of my silk dresses and slipped it over my head. I put on some simple eyeliner, gold and red eyeshadow, and grabbed my wand off the nightstand. I quickly made way down the staircase and out of the Common Room. Judging by her appearance, it wouldn't do to keep Professor McGonagall waiting.

I followed the map to McGonagall's office and eventually found myself in front of a classroom door. Knocking, I turned the knob and entered. McGonagall was sitting at her desk reading a piece of paper. She looked up, adjusting her glasses as she did so.

"Miss Phoenix. I wasn't expecting you for quite some time. Well, no matter. " She set her things down and stood. "The core classes here at Hogwarts are Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, and Herbology. Flying lessons of course are mandatory only in the first year. I have received a few documents from the Headmaster regarding your studies at Durmstrang. Although they are called by different names, it seems the only subject your grades are unclear on are the Defense Against the Dark Arts. I will, of course, still be testing your skills." She glanced down at her desk. "With the exception of Potions, of course. You will meet with Professor Snape after lunch for that."

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