Chapter Ten

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Sexual content is contained in this chapter. 


Snape handed me the potion and I unstoppered it. Characteristic swirls rose from it like steam, and I inhaled. It smelled faintly of rain, cedar, mint, and elderflower wine. The cedar and elderflower wine reminded me of someone, but I couldn't quite place who. It definitely wasn't Aleksander. He'd always smelled like freshly cut grass, pepper, and lemons.

Snape looked at me curiously. "Do you know what this is?" 

"Amortentia." I said softly. "The mother of pearl sheen kind of gives it away. It's the most powerful love potion to ever exist and smells different to each person, taking on the scent of whatever attracts them most." I held the open bottle up to him and jokingly asked, "What do you smell, Professor?"

Surprising me, he took the bottle and held it up to his nose. "Lavender, citrus, sandalwood, and rain." Frowning, he re-stoppered it, and put it away.

"You looked confused, Professor. Is that the first time amortentia has smelled that way to you?" I sat up on his desk again.

"Yes." He replied, tensely.

I nudged his back with the tip of my heel, which was in no way shape or form, the correct way to get a Professor's attention. "Did it remind you of someone? What did you used to smell before?" He remained quiet and facing away from me. I stared at his back and went over the smells he listed again. "You know, come to think of it, the perfume I wear has lavender, citrus, and sandalwood in it. I like the smell and it's not too strong so you can only smell it if you're standing next to me. I can't remember if I put it on this morning or not."

He turned and sat stiffly in his chair, still refusing to look at me. "You did."

I looked at him. "How do you know?" I pushed his chair around with my foot so he was facing me.

"Because I could smell it earlier." He sighed and closed his eyes..

"When?" I asked sweetly.

The look Snape gave me when he opened his eyes again was one of pure frustration. "You're used to getting your way, aren't you?" He grumbled.

I shrugged. "I suppose."

"What makes you think you'll get your way now?" He asked and his hand drifted to my leg.

"What makes you think I want something right now?" I responded in the same even tone.

His hand drifted slowly up my leg. "I'm an expert Legilimens, Miss Phoenix, and you've been focused on one thing since you mentioned what you used to do when you were alone with your previous lover. I'm surprised you were able to brew a difficult potion in the state you're in."

"I wasn't ..." My voice caught in my throat with a slight pressure from his thumb on my inner thigh. I cleared my throat, but my voice still came out a little strained. "I wasn't thinking anything in particular."

"Liar." His other hand moved up my other leg, pushing my silk dress up to the middle of my thighs. "How long has it been since you've been touched like this by another man? Or were your two bodyguards keeping you satisfied?" He leaned forward and kissed the side of my knee.

"It wasn't like that with Viktor and Ivan." I said hoarsely.

"Then how long has it been?" He murmured.

It got harder to think as he trailed a line of kisses up my leg, stopping when I didn't answer. He looked up at me. "Too long it seems." He pulled away and stood, running his slender fingers through his hair. "You should leave."

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