Chapter 4

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After Bryce left, I just froze. My body wouldn't move. Harry was trying to talk to me, but I couldn't answer him. I couldn't talk, or move, or try to do anything. I was so scared.

"Claire, listen to me. Bryce won't hurt you as long as I'm around. I promise you. He can't touch you as long as you're with me. I won't let it happen." He finished up his speech by giving me a hug. That seemed to snap me out of my trance. I wrapped my arms around Harry and squeezed the living daylights out of him. I never wanted to let go, because if I did, then Bryce could get me.

"Never let me go, Harry. Please, never let go."

"Claire, I'll always be here for you. Now, let's just forget about this whole ordeal. I heard Gender Wars is going on tonight!"

"Yay, I love Gender Wars!" Gender Wars was basically boys against girls, with the boys answering girly questions, and the girls answering boyish questions. I was fantastic at this game, so of course I loved it! "Let's do this poo!"

"You're going down, Ryan."

"In your dreams, Styles. I'm the greatest at this game, and you know it."

"Whatever. Let's get it started, ha!"

"Don't go all Black Eyed Peas on me now."

"Whatever, you're just jealous of my amazing singing talent."

"Whatevs." The game got started after that. At first, everyone was really quiet, because they were still in shock from the whole Bryce fiasco. Once they saw that Harry and I were back to normal, though, they broke out of their shell as well. Except, I wasn't back to normal. I was still terrified. But I couldn't tell Harry that, otherwise he'd baby me, and I hate pity from people. It would be for the best if I just kept my fear to myself. I don't need to worry anyone.

Gender Wars went on for about an hour. The girls ended up winning, of course, because women are superior to men. And I answered half of the questions. It was midnight when Harry and I left the club. We decided to take the elevator up to our floors. Both of our rooms were on the back end of the ship, while the club was at the front, so we walked along the walking track until we reached the back. The whole time, neither of us said anything, but it was a comfortable silence. We were just enjoying spending time together. When we reached the elevator, Harry decided to break the silence.

"Claire, be honest. Are you okay?"

"Yes, Harry, why wouldn't I be. It's not like Bryce is waiting for my by the elevators, or something. He probably just wanted to mess with our heads. I'm sure it's nothing." LIES. I was scared out of my mind, but there was no way I was letting Harry know that.

"Alright, but I'm walking you to your room."

"Harry, my room is literally 20 feet away. Don't get out of the elevator, you're already in here. I'll be fine. Honestly, you worry too much."

"I just don't want anything to happen to you. I would blame myself, you know. I already do, because it's my fault Bryce is terrorizing you. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. But really, Harry, I'm a big girl. I think I can walk 20 feet without getting into trouble. Stay here. Don't follow me, okay?"

"Fine. But be careful, yeah?"

"I always am. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Yeah, I'll pick you up and take you to breakfast at about 10."

"Alright, see ya then! Bye, Harry."

"Bye, Claire." I walked out of the elevator and headed to my room. Right as I was getting ready to swipe my room key, I smelled something strange. Then, everything went black. Crap.

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