The First Chapter - Welcome To The Lodge

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{{Psychology student Alijah Hawke gets more than she bargained for when she is selected for an internship at Lincoln Lodge.}}

INTRODUCTORY SCENE: Pitch black, the panicked voice of a small child is heard without a visual on the child. The distraught child is searching for her Mother.

Young Alijah: "Mom? Mommy, where are you?"

A fade-in reveals a visual on the young girl.

Young Alijah: "Mom?"

Her Mother's voice can be heard. A shadow figured, shaped to resemble Alijah's Mother, appears, holding an infant.

Mother: "Alijah!"

The child is relieved to see her Mother.

Young Alijah: "Mommy!"

When Alijah attempts to approach her Mother, she runs into an invisible force-field.

Young Alijah: "Why can't I get to you?"

Alijah's little sister begins to cry.

Mother: "I don't know, sweetie."

Before they can get closer to each other Alijah's Mother is shot to the ground. Both Mother and child die as a result of trauma to the head, causing Alijah to freak out.

Young Alijah: "No!"

She hyperventilates as the scene fades out. Veronica Smyton's voice is heard via voiceover, calling out to Alijah.

Veronica: "Alijah, Alijah wake up."

The scene changes.

INT. 1: Present Day- there is a close-up shot of nineteen-year-old Alijah Hawke sleeping. The scene zooms out and features Veronica trying to wake her up. Alijah wakes up and stares blankly into space.

VERONICA: "Are you alright, darling?"

Alijah manages to snap out of her trance. She places her head in her hands.

VERONICA (Worriedly): "What's wrong, Leah?"

ALIJAH: "I had another nightmare."

VERONICA: "Was it another flashback about your Mom?"

ALIJAH: "Her and Sapphire. They were both killed."

VERONICA: "You've never mentioned your little sister's name."

Alijah gets out of bed.

VERONICA: "Do you need a hand with getting ready?"

ALIJAH: "I should be fine."

Veronica exits her room. Alijah stops to think for a moment. The scene switches to down in the kitchen; Veronica is setting the breakfast table up. Alijah enters the kitchen, fully dressed in her signature style of fitted jeans, suede boots, long-sleeved shirt, and vest.

VERONICA: "We need to do something about those nightmares you're having."

ALIJAH: "They're not that bad."

VERONICA: "I beg to differ. They're reoccurring and causing you to have night terrors."

Alijah takes a seat at the dining table.

ALIJAH: "I appreciate your concern, but there's nothing I can do about them."

VERONICA: "We haven't tried everything."

ALIJAH: "I've been to more counsellors in the last year than the average messed-up person."

VERONICA: "That could be a sign that it's time for you to visit a sleep clinic."

VOLUME ONE - Lincoln LodgeWhere stories live. Discover now