Chapter 2: Episode 4

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A/n: I skipped to episode 4 cuz 2 and 3 werent that interesting

Song Joong Ki POV:

I'm heading to our filming place becausd we are filming Running Man today with the other members. I heard Song Ji Hyo noona is coming. Iliked her for a while but recently I have been feeling weird around Lin Ah, but I like Ji Hyo noona more so thats it.

Kim Lin Ah:

Recently when I have been filming running man they noticed that Jong Kook's and my surname's are the same. I am quite strong and I ousted a lot of peopme in our recent episodes. We are called Kim siblings, Commanders or Sparta siblings. I have learned martial arts before. I'm heading to film running man and a new female member is coming and she is ji hyo unnie  maybe after filming  finishes I can ask her about the mysterious feeling I have been having whenever I'm around joong ki.  

I'm finally here. Today I'm wearing converse and jeans and a cool shirt and leather jacket and my hair is in a pony tail with some high heel boots not that high. All men were here except joong ki and jongkook

"lin ah do u have some money" i took my wallet from my back jeans pocket to check and saw that I have

I nodded and they told me to pay for them so I did and Gary got his vest back and Sukkjin got his phone back then Ji hyo unnie came and the Joong ki and then Jongkook then jae suk said

"ji hyo there are a lot of guys here that like you "

.... i tuned out cuz i got a bit jealous that joong ki might like ji hyo, but then jae suk gasped loudly making us all turn to where he is looking

I then gasped loudly it was Nickhun. He supported me and we did a duet together we became friends really fast he tells me his problems while I tell him mine. YES! that means Ican ask him after filming if ji hyo is busy.

Nickhun greeted them while jae suk kept saying today isnt possible (i mean like for any of them to be with ji hyo

i got a bit frustrated becausd all they talked abt was her and I have to admit Nickhun is handsome and i did have feelings for him but i forced them inside because I knew it was impossible

(btw nickhun is 1 year older than linah)

While he handshaked everyone and even brohugged somewhere. When he came to me  he streched his hand out I took his hand in attempt to shake it but he suddenly pulled me in for a hug I was standing there slowly hugging him back he whispered in my ear "i missed you linah"

damn! my hearts gonna explode

Then he let go as the other members stared at us in shock he then said

"linah and I met before to make a duet and after that we became friends " he said

friend friend-zoned again I couldnt help but feel a little hurt but i tried to not make it obvious .

Then they starrted teasing gary cuz he wasnt handsome compared to nickhun

then i was in the team with: nickhun , jae suk, gary , haha ,me (linah)

and the other team was: gwangsoo ,sukjin, jihyo joong ki, jong kook


we finished the first game and now we are in a pool

"do u like water games " jae suk asked jihyo 

"yes i do " she answered

"does anyone know newtons 3rd law" jae suk questioned

"yea i do its action and reaction are equal but opposite" i answered

so the game is the team has to carry on person and the person jumps over the pole without letting it fall then you succeed

then haha started pushing us into the water then jongkook pushed haha then jihyo pushed jaesuk then sukjin pushed nickhun nickhun was right beside so he pulled me with him into the water

then finally after a series of pushing each other our team will start first and ofcourse being the lightest in the team that means im the human rocket

the put me on gary's shoulder and all of them were supporting us nickhun was holding my hand which made my heart run several laps the suddenly "linah is much lighter than ji hyo " garyy said then they all started laughing i was too nervous too laugh then suddenly haha tickled me which caused me to fall but that was fine but being me nothing was fine i started falling towards nickhun's side and himholding my hand gave him an advantage so he suddenly caught me bridal style at that moment i coudnt hear anything but my heart beating really fast after making sure i was safe nickhun put me down and what  was worse is that i was wearing shorts so he touched my legs i covered my face with my hands will everyone teased nickhun for being too romantic and me for blushing 

then our team turn finished then jihyo from that team was carried by joong ki suddenly i wanted to tear up so i tryed distracting myself so i dont look like a crybaby but nickhun knowing for quite awhile knew that i was sad then he asked the PD if it was okay to go to the bathroom and fix his and my makeup and he promised it will be fast he sadi ok so we went out nickhun grabbed a towel and after we walked a safe distance from the crew and members he wrapped in the towel and dryed me

i couldnt look up i was crying in silent sobs the he  pulled me into a hug at htat moment i felt really comfortable and i asked myself why i was crying becuz of joong ki and i decided to block off the feelings like i did too nickhun then nickhun slowly pulled away kissed my forhead then "linah whats wrong why are you crying you know it hurts me to see you like this " he said in a concerned tone then i pulled him for a hug he was too shocked to hug back " thank you so much nickhun i will never forget this moment and it was becuz of something but i was already planning on telling you after filming so if you arent busy i will tell you after filming you can come over to my house cuz anywhere outside you will be surrounded by fans " i said "alright but remember im her for you " he said and then we returned to the members

they finished the game and during the nametag race i had a faceoff with jong kook and i took his nametag and i legflipped him and we won now its a game where we have to sit in the dustbin thing and roll to stay on the circle (bin curling)

they pushed sukjin he ended up face the window and his back facing the camera then jongkook was supposed to come" jongkook sshi this is a game you know" i said  and they laughed  but when jongkook glared they all retreated and i giggled

now it was our turn nickhun was in the bin and i was pushing i was aiming at jongkook and jongkook succesfully got out of the circle and nickhun was now in the center


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