When you go blind

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He would be less strict with you and help you with daily stuff. He would do his missions faster so he can help you more.


She will try to find a cure but you would just sighed and say she is being silly. She wouldn't except the fact you are blind and can't fight. She would still teach you self defense for if something bad had to happen.


He will carry you around everywhere. When there is an explosion, he will assure you that it's not near you two or he will take care of it, after putting you to safety.


He was sad about it because you both used to snipe on people together. He would still take you with him because he doesn't trust you being all alone at home. While going back home, he would take a flower and give it to you to make you feel better.

Handsome Jack:

He would try to make something that you could see but of course that didn't work. So he will just make jokes to make you laugh more. He will hold your hand while he is walking through halls. He would write you silly poems to read for you at night to make you laugh.

Dr Zed:

He knew you liked cooking so he will give you safe things to do to help cook. He will also read you books to help you relax since your always worrying something might happen since you can't see anymore.


He would carry you everywhere. You will just let him. He became very overprotective. When you ask what something looks like, he will gladly describe it till the last detail.


She would be supportive. She would always be cracking jokes to make you laugh. She will carry you on her back since your walking slower now which is annoying her but she won't admit it. She would cook dinner for you and feed it to you.


He will hold your hand more to guide you around so you don't hit anything. He will do a bit more for you but you will have to do most things yourself. He says that way you will learn faster. Just let him by his weird self.


He was sad at the news. You and him loved to sword fight together. He would teach you moves that aren't complicated to learn or do. It makes you happy that he still tries and loves you even if your blind.


He found you trying to kill yourself once so now he hide all his knives from you. He would be more careful around you. He would hold you with care, kissing your temple for comfort. He would ask you everyday atleast twice to smile. But you would laugh instead at how he always screams weird stuff.


She was mad at you for being blind. When you cried, she immediatly felt bad. She hugged you and said it's fine. She will do a lot for you and be less rude/sarcastic towards you and more nice. She would download your favorite music and gave you your favorite color headphones eventhough you can't see them.


He will take another job so he has more money to buy stuff for you. He would tell you to smile. He would always say something sweet in the morning so your day will start good. When you cry, he will hug you and whisper that it's okay.


He will hold your hand. You didn't need vision to know he is blushing. He will nervously keep asking if you need anything. Or he will give you random flowers to make you feel better.


She would do her job and when no one orders, she will come to check up on you. She would bring you a drink and food now and then. You would thank her and she would just tell you to smile more. After work, both will cuddle. She would say I love you more to make you feel better.

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