Vaughn ~Catch Up~

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Please request scenarios. I'm out of ideas and really need requests.

Like always, I left out few scenarios.

Requested by: Blueblossom4567

When you two hug:

He doesn't know when to hug you and how to give a comfortable hug. He always gives awkward hugs. He never knows where to put his hands so he just stopped giving hugs. So hugs are a rare thing but you both don't really care for it.

You fall asleep on him:

You fell asleep on him while you were reading. So he was awkward sitting with his hands in the air, unsure how to sit so he's comfortable and you are also. Eventually he will just poke your cheek to see if you will wake up or not. If you don't wake up, he will just mumble he now is stuck. He will just sit like a statue, making not you don't wake up.

Meeting one of his friends:

Rhys is Vaughn's best friend so he thought Rhys shouuld meet you. When you met Rhys, it was awkward so Vaughn awkwardly said let's go eat something. So when you all had food and began a small conversation, it was less awkward and soon Rhys became your friend also.

When you wake him up:

He's always awake before you wake up. So you never have the opportunity to wake him up. Vaughn is the one who has to wake you up.

When you sit on his lap:

You like to just sit on his lap for fun. His face always goes red as his glasses slide to the tip of his nose a bit which you find funny for some reason. He will always stutter a bit before he coughs and pulls himself back together then continues work.

When you wear a piece of his clothes:

You like to take his glasses and mock him. He finds it annoying but also finds it funny.

What you two like to do together:

Read and earn money. You both love money and reading. Both like to just sit on a sofa, reading while cuddling a bit. You both like to challenge each other to see who has the most money at the end of the month. It might be weird but it's also a good way to keep money since you both wanna win.

He walks in on you naked:

You were just changing but Vaughn choose to come visit uninvited. When he entered your room and saw you changing your boxers, he cursed making you quickly turn with a shriek. His glasses fell off so he hit a wall making him curse. You just chuckled before covering your body with your blanket. You handed him his glasses back before guiding him outside. He kept mumbling he is so sorry. You just said it's okay then shut the door. He was behind the door, face bright red while mumbling your body was so sexy.

He says a pick-up line:

"Are you from accounting? Because I was ac-counting on seeing you later."

You ask for a piggyback ride:

Your legs were hurting from all the walking around Helios. So when you spot Vaughn immediatly asked him for a ride. He just said a shocked no. So after annoying him for few more minutes, he finally gave up and let you jump on his back. You immediatly got shocked by how strong he is. Qu But then just grin and let him carry you.

He sees you punch someone:

You sometimes start arguments with this stupid asshole. But now he was just really angering you so you punched him. When Vaughn saw it, he was fast to cheer you on to punch him more and win. When you finished the fight, he chuckled and said he never knew you could fight so good.

When you act in a movie:

When you told him, his first question way "How much do you earn?" You just laughed it off. When the movie came out, he watched it a lot, even forcing Rhys to watch it.

When you go blind:

When he went blind, he did everything for you. He didn't care what it was, he did it for you. He felt so bad for you. When you told him it's okay, he will just huff and say it's not then continue doing anything for you.

When you draw on him:

He will begin panicking and yelling you will give him all kinds of diseases and such. You just roll eyes and said he's not gonna get cancer. He will just frown and mumble you don't know that.

When he's sick:

He will say he's not sick but you can tell he is. He won't call in sick to work so you will have to do it for him and force him to stay in bed and take medicine. He is too stubborn to admit it but he will still eat the medicine so you will stop nagging at him.

First kiss:

He was stressing about stuff. He was also annoyed ranting on about how work was annoying today. So you were unable to read your fanfiction in peace. So you just smile while throwing the ECHO on the armrest of the sofa before storming to Vaughn, who still won't shut the fuck up. Finally he looked, asking why your so close but you just innocent smile then kissed him before telling him to shut it then went back to your sofa. He kept quiet, just covering his face with his hands and whispering he will stay quiet.

When he knew he had feelings for you:

The second he met you he knew he felt something for you. He even did research on the internet to make sure what he's feeling and how to know if your feeling the same way.

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