Chapter 6: One day at Lazuli's

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Red's P.o.V:

I woke up in the room that this Inkling girl gave me. It was so nice of her to do that for me, because of what i am... Well, looks like what they said about all Inklings being evil weren't all true after all.

I jumped off my bed and started looking for her in the house, but instead of finding her, i found a note which readed:

'Hey Red!

If i am not here right now, i'm doing Turf Wars with my team (What you saw Inklings do yesterday). I'll come back around 12. Feel free to do whatever you want while i'm gone. Just don't break anything.


Well. I'm alone now. What can i do then....

I go to the living room and soon notice something next to the T.V : a weird device with buttons plugged into something that looks like a toaster. Weird.

I start to touch and take and turn around this thing, when i saw that the buttoned part of it could be disconnected. I pulled them off, and by instinct, i plugged them in some sort of weird thing standing next to it.

By pressing one of those buttons, something looked like it turned on the system. I then turned on the T.V to see a logo from the thing, refered as 'Switch' appear. By pressing buttons, I discovered all the wonders of it, i just had to make an account for me first.

And HOLY SEACOW THE INKLINGS ARE GOOD TO CREATE ENTERTAINING THINGS! Every game i played on that system were great. The one with the amnesic hero trying to bring back peace in a ruined kingdom, the one with the guy dragged in a weird countdowned game made by 'Reapers', the one with the Purple-haired Shapeshifter woman, the big fighting game with various characters, and the other fighting game with creatures called 'Pokemons'. And without noticing, i spent the whole morning playing those games.

Lazuli's P.o.V:

This day has been a Blast so far! We've won all of our Turf Wars today, and it just feels so good to win! Right now, i was walking down Inkopolis Square with my team, talking about everything that happened this morning.

-I rarely had THAT MUCH FUN IN A TURF WAR IN MY ENTIERE LIFE!!!!!!! An overexited Amy shouted right next to my hear, deafening me a little.

-I must agree with you with this one, Amy. It was quite Enjoyable. Said my brother.

-I'm personnally down for something to eat. Said Richard. I would try this new restaurant that opened in the East of the city.

-YaaaaAAAAAY! LET'S TRY IT! Shouted Amy.

-I'd be down to try it. Said Nelson. What about you Sis?

-Uh... Sorry, but it will be for another time. I already planned to spend my afternoon at my house. You know, doing cleaning and stuff...

They all gave me confused looks, until Richard Spoke up.

-Well... Guess that this Restaurant will be for another time. We'll work out a day for when we'll go together as a team. See y'all!

He then walked away and i Saw Amy do the same in another direction. But my brother was still here looking still confused. But eventually, he left.

Well, might as well eat, and also bring back food for Red. So I went to the Crust Bucket, and ordered two Super Seanwichs and two Sub-Saver Berry. Then I went back home, and saw that Red has managed to turn on the Switch, and was now playing Pokken.


And Indeed he won a match.

-Hey! I said, getting his attention.

-Oh Hey! He said. I tried this 'Switch' and i'm not gonna lie, you Inklings have incredible things to entertain yourselves. Looks like i've spent the whole morning playing it.

-Well, we can continue playing later. But first, let's have lunch.

And then, him and I had lunch. He really seemed like someone that hasn't ate since a bit of time because of how fast he finished his Seanwich. And after that, we've spent an important time of the afternoon playing the Switch, mainly the fighting games i had.

And... Let's say he was ruling them.

-I LOST AGAIN! I shouted after loosing a 14th time against Red.

-With only one morning of practice, i'm good enough to beat you, who has... Uh... How long do you have it? He said.

-...5 months...

-Well... If one day they allow Octolings to have Turf Wars, that may be interesting.

-It sure will!

We shared a laugh for a few seconds, until i heard a knock on the front door. I silently told him to hide in his room, while i go open the door. And it revealed Nelson standing.

-Hey. He said.

-Hey. What can i do for you?

-I just want to see the octoling that you're hiding in your appartment.

That response surprised me, but i tried to recompose myself.

-W-what are you talking about ?

-Well, my dear sister, when you declined the restaurant offer that Richard proposed, i got suspicious, so i silently followed you and then saw you took an order for two at the Crust Bucket, therefore meaning that you already planned to see someone else. So followed you back at your appartment.
And let me give you an advice: if you're hiding an Octoling in your house and you don't want other Inklings to find out, close your curtains.

I was speechless. I should've been more careful, now Red is busted and i think that my brother will hunt him down.

-Please don't hurt him, he's not a threat! I shouted, panicked.

-Relax, sis. I didn't plan to hurt him. I just want to talk.

I took a step back, hesitantly, and then called Red to come over. He stepped out of his room, seemingly afraid, and stood in front of my brother. He then extended shyly his hand for a handshake, that my brother returned almost immediatly.

-So... Red, was it?

He nodded.

-I have a message to tell you, from your Sister.

Red then suddently had a surprised expression.

-Wha-how do you know Luan? He asked.

-Well... I met her during a mission and she wanted to tell you something.

-Is she okay?

-She is.

-What do you mean 'During a mission'? I asked

-That's... A long story that i'll tell you later. Anyway, she wanted to tell you that...
Your mother is still alive...

A.N: HERE'S A NEW CHAPTER AT LAST!!! Hope you liked it and see you at the next one!

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