Ivar being obsessed with you would include...

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- It would probably be a rather silent obsession, obviously with him completely refusing to accept the fact that it actually is what it is

- You wouldn't even notice at first. He would be around you quite a bit, though none of it would catch your attention too much, since you would never mind his company

- You would not notice the glances he would throw at people that took your attention away from him, nor the way he would shield you from other people when you two were together

- Soon though, you realized how other people would start drifting a bit away from you, not knowing yet, that it was out of fear since they noticed how Ivar would somehow not leave your side for too long

- Yet it would hurt him as he saw you slowly getting more quiet because of this, and he would try to make up for this by keeping you company and making your life a bit easier

- He would take you with him to the shore or in the forest, the two of you would talk about the most random things, but slowly you would notice that something was different than usually

- It were small things, his eyes being locked with yours a bit longer than usually as you laughed together. Or his hand resting on your shoulder a bit too long as you would say goodbye

- It confuse you a bit, you were more focused on those things now, but soon you came to realize that none of this would bother you

- His touch would feel warm and comforting and the way his eyes would gleam when he was laughing would make a mellow feeling spread through your stomach

- What was much to your disliking though, was how people would treat you. Their behavior wasn't obvious, but you noticed the frequent one-worded answers, the way their eyes would critically follow you and how they would sometimes get more quiet in their conversations as you approached

- It would be one day that you would sit on the shore, tears streaming down your face because it would had simply gotten too much. You wanted to be alone, when you suddenly felt a hand touch you from behind

- As you would see his eyes crowded with worry, no words would be needed for both of you to understand what the reason for all of this was

- It would be silent for a minute, only the sound of the waves crashing against the distant cliffs

- "I confess that I might not have approached this the right way, Y/N"
He wouldn't look you in the eyes, but you could see his teeth grinding against each other as he kept is eyes fixed on the water

- He took a deep breath before a bitter laugh escaped his lips
"I need you, Y/N. Close to me. I will make things right, and I will show you that you don't need those people"

- You couldn't stand it any longer and grabbed his chin to make him face you.
His blue eyes seemed clouded and his breaths were heavy, as if you could sense the fear rolling off of him.

- "Ivar I don't want to give up my life, my friends.. my people for a man. I want you, but I want to be with you, not to be your posession to lock away"

- His gaze dropped for a second, slowly nodding he looked back at you, an unreadable expression on his face

- "I can live with this, with you, Y/N"
He quietly said, aprubtly pulling you close to him.

- Warmth spread in your body as your lips locked with his, neither of you being able to stop smiling into the kiss

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